The big moment has come: today I turn 25 year old. I think it’s a lot and many times I find myself being sad because I start imagining all those things I thought I’ll have achieved by now. But then I realize everything has its time and place and I am still young and I have time to make true everything I want. This year I am very confident, I am in a good place and I have a lot of plans. Life is not easy but we have to make the best of it. Wishes are good, they help me a lot, they make me optimistic and they give me the energy to do something to make them happen.
I am so grateful for my family, my fiance and all my friends. Once again, they proved they love and cherish me and I couldn’t be happier with the people in my life. They are special and they make me feel special.
Today was a good day, the sun shined bright, I spent time with my loved ones and I took some photos for you to see me at 25. Big difference, right?
I want to thank all of you for your lovely wishes, messages and beautiful thoughts. They mean so much, every single word is so important and helps me keep going and doing what I love. Thank you so much!
PHOTO CREDIT :: Mariana Rosu
Sheinside jacket :: here || similar here and here
Bershka heels
Sheinside transparent clutch personalized with some lovely birthday cards :: here
Casio watch | Chamilia charm bracelet | handmade bracelets
Ești superbă, Julie!
La mulți și fericiți ani! Fie ca toate dorințele tale să se împlinească.
Multumesc frumos!!!
Happy b-day & keep on doing what you do!
All the best wishes!
Thank you so much!!
Wow, esti superba, Julie! Rochia e geniala si iti vine atat de frumos, se potriveste perfect cu ocazia asta <3
La multi ani inca o data, esti o persoana si o prietena minunata! Love you, cutie pie! ^_^ :*
Iii, multumesc, inimioara mica! Chiar e super cute!
Multumesc, love you too! <3
La multi ani inca o data, fata frumoasa si dulce! <3
Esti asa speciala! Si fara sa te cunosc, mi-as da seama din postarea asta ce fel de suflet ai.
Esti minunata, sa nu te schimbi niciodata! :*
Rochita e asa frumoasa, parca Oana a creat-o special pentru tine. Sunt minunate hainutele realizate de ea si ma bucur mult ca am avut ocazia sa le port.
Te iubesc,
Honey Dorinel :))))))
Ohhhh, semnatura de la final e tot ce mi-as putea dori :)))! <3
Multumesc frumos pentru toate cuvintele frumoase si sincere, si eu te iubesc! <3
La multi ani frumosi si fericiti, sa ai parte doar de lucruri bune in viata !
:* : *
Multumeeeeeesc! :*
Happy birthday, doll! You are so beautiful! I love the dress, but you out-shine it! You have the birthday glow :)! I wish you all the happiness in the world and an amazing year ahead for you and your loved ones! You are surrounded by beautiful people, starting with your amazing and talented Mom :)!
Thank you so much, my dear Mamalina! I now, I wish you the same things!! Lot of kisses!<3
La multi ani ZANO! <3 Cand am vazut felicitarea cu Birthday Wishes mi-am zis ca a fost facuta pentru tine si menita sa-mi iasa mie in cale la momentul potrivit 😀 Nici nu stii cat de mult ma bucura faptul ca ai ales sa o pui in pliculetul transparent ^_^ Rochita e pur si simplu divina, tu radiezi in pozele acestea, ma bucur nespuns de mult ca ai avut parte de vreme buna astazi stiu ca iti doreai ca de ziua ta sa fie frumo si se pare ca ti s-a inteplinit dorinta 😀 :***
Multumeeeesc, Rux! Imi place la nebunie, cand am vazut ca scrie WISH, ohh! <3
Daaaa, imi doream asa mult sa fie cald si frumos si chiar a fost o zi superba, calduroasa si soarele a stralucit atat de puternic, divin! <3
Esti superba la cei 25 anisori, desi nu iti arati ani 🙂
Esti la fel de frumoasa, tanara spiritual dar ai ceva schimbat…esti mult mai increzatoare in tine.
Iti doresc sa ai parte de multe lucruri frumoase in viata dar si de cateva urate ca sa pretuiesti frumosul in viata ta.
TE IUBESC MULT DE TOT si esti surioara mea pink :x:x:x
Multumesc mult de tot!!
Si eu te iubesc, blue sis! <3
lovely photos! you look great as always (:
Esti ca o zana, draga mea. La multi ani frumosi si realizarea tuturor dorintelor, iar nunta ta sa iasa de vis, asa cum ti-ai dorit. Abia astept sa te vad in rochie de mireasa.
Te pup
Multumesc mult de tot, Andreeea!
Asa sa fie si a ta!
You are so beautiful! Happy Birthday!!
Thank yo so much!!
Esti parca desprinsa din povesti cu zane si printese 🙂
Multumesc frumos! <3 <3
You’re as pretty as always! Don’t worey, i though you have 21 or 22 so… Enjoy your age! 🙂
Cu o mica intarziere iti urez si eu “La multi ani!” Sa ai parte de tot binele din lume si sa iti realizezi toate visele..usurel, pas cu pas!:) Arati minunat in pozele astea. Delicata si feminina, iar rochita aia ma face sa suspin!
Te pup si te imbratisez! :* <3
Happy Birthday, you look lovely!
Thank you so much!! Kiss!
La multi ani cu multa multa sanatate si fericire! Rochita este un vis, iar felul cum ai asortat pantofiorii cu rujul..ptiu sa nu iti fie de deochi, esti o frumusete! Pupici mari!
Multumeeeeesc! Pai cum altfel> I love pink! <3
Happy Birthday! You look so beautiful! 🙂
Thank you, thank you!
Happy late Birthday Julie! I hope you had fun. Rest assured 25 is not old at all! You look absolutely stunning as always, and I love the way you’ve styled the outfit. It’s always a pleasure to visit your blog and your lovely images inspire me to be more adventurous with fashion.
Best wishes from London,
Saba x
Thank you so much! I am so glad to hear that,it means a lot!
So happy, we should be more adventurous and have courage to try new things! <3
nu stiu de ce intotdeauna am crezut ca esti mult mai mare decat mine, dar sunt numai 3 ani intre noi! 🙂 foarte frumoase poze, si chiar nu mai stiu ce sa iti scriu fara sa ma repet 😀 stii bine ca fiecare postare a ta imi place foooaarte mult! :* imi place rochia, florile, tot tot tot! 😀 te pup!
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Superba tinuta! Cred ca e my fav de pana acum 😀
[…] will come true, I will search for the perfect dresses to fill that closet. You may remember my birthday post and the 1st and 8th of March ones, the three of them had something in comun: I was wearing some […]