Rochie / Off shoulder Dress :: Lovelywholesale | Pantofi / Shoes :: Bonprix | Palarie / Hat :: H&M | Ochelari / Sunglasses :: ZeroUV a243 | Ceas / Watch :: Daniel Wellington ( You can get a 15% discount if you use the code pink-wish on Daniel Wellington website) I must say that I am in love with my new watch, it’s so classy and so feminine, I looove it!
Rochie / Dress :: Bonprix | Geaca / Jacket :: Shein| Pantofi / Shoes :: Bonprix | Geanta / Bag :: Six | Ochelari / Sunglasses :: ZeroUV
Zara floral dress c/o Kurtmann :: here || Zaful baby blue backpack :: here || Zerouv Cat eye Sunglasses :: here || || Casio vintage watch (similar and )
Wearing: Dress/Rochie: H&M | Clutch: Pull and Bear c/o (here/aici) | Sandals/Sandale: Zara | Bracelets/Bratari: Handmade | Rings/Inele: Moa, H&M
Wearing: Rochie/Dress: Zara | Bag/Geanta: Sammydress | Shoes/Pantofi: here/aici | Necklace/Colier: c/o Meli Melo Sicillian Holiday |
Wearing: Dress/Rochie : Wolford | Tights/Dres: Wolford, Sandals/Sandale: Zara | Clutch/Geanta: Meli Melo
Wearing: Cardigan/Pulover: Bershka | Sunglasses/Ochelari: Takko | Sandals/Sandale: H&M | Bag/Geanta” Mini Moon by Dana Rogoz