She’s one of my top 3 favorite Disney characters. I grew up watching the animated version. I only watched it on special occasions and it always was the highlight of my day. I remember perfectly the beginning of the story, the making of the dress, the end of the magic, almost everything, why should I lie? I was obsessed with it and with the songs, I still listen to them, especially the one when the mice are singing – find it here, it’s too cute.
After I visited Disneyland, I became even more passionate and I watched all the Disney movies. So, just imagine my joy when I found out a Cinderella movie will appear this year. I waited and waited impatiently and one day I received a invitation to go at M.A.C Cosmetics and get a make-up inspired by the story. Whaaaaat? I was sooo happy, just like a kid in a toy store. I went there and I chose the mother’s make-up, not Cinderella’s. I don’t know how you’re gonna see it but I think it’s amazing and it made me look quite lovely, or at least, I felt like a little Cinderella. You know how I love dressing up and use all sorts of cute stuff so I had to wear an inspired outfit, a modern one. I wore my baby blue dress as a skirt and pair it with a polka dots shirt. I added a necklace as a hair accessory and ta-da. I fell amazing!
Alexandra Frigescu was the make-up artist and I thank her for being so nice and for making me prettier and Cinderelly-er!
Last night I was invited to see the movie and I have to say: it was AMAZING! So similar to the animated one I used to watch when I was a little girl. So many memories were brought back to me and I was very happy that everything was so lovely, it was a truly fairy-tale with a gorgeous and inspirational message: HAVE COURAGE AND BE KIND! It was repeated throughout the movie and I think everyone should pay attention to it and make it happen! In an era where people find it easy to be mean and hateful, this movie was a breath of fresh air, offering a more optimistic view about the world and leaving you with the thought that everything is possible. I know, I know, it was just a story with a happy ending and there was magic involved but magic can be real, you just have to believe in you, you’re the only one that can make magic true. Just try it!
You have to go and see this movie, I totally recommend it, it will make you see things a bit differently even if it’s just for a few hours. You can go and see it starting March 13!
I’ll leave with some pictures with the make-up and the movie!
Polka dots shirt :: similar here
Top :: Roxana Alina
Daniel Wellington watch :: Classic Sheffield :: here You can get a 15% discount on their website by using this code: pink-wish
Esti superba, draga Julie! Iti sta foarte bine cu tipul asta de make-up, iti scoate in evidenta ochii frumosi :D.
Cori from Signature by M&M
Multumesc mult de tot!
Cenusareasa a fost printesa Disney pe care am iubit-o cel mai mult. La fel ca tine, stiam desenele pe dinafara. Fii-mea a preluat stafeta si o adora. Acum e pasionata de printesele astea mai contemporane, Elsa din Frozen si Rapunzel, dar Cenusareasa tot ii e draga. Asa ca musai sa stiu, merge filmul si la copilasi micuti, da? Ca facem o zi mama-pice cand se lanseaza si in Sibiu!:) Foarte foarte frumos machiajul, te prinde de minune si iti evidentiaza culoarea superba a ochilor! Cat despre tinuta….we are totally wearing out tutus to the movies!:)
Da, da, puteti merge! Dar cred ca ati putea alege varianta dublata ca sa inteleaga cea mica:D Sunt dragute si printesele moderne dar pentru mine Cenusareasa e Cenusareasa!
Multumesc frumos si neaparat sa postezi o poza cu tinutele! I’m curious! <3
Daca o sa fie varianta dublata, mergem la dublata. Daca nu…well, cred ca multa lume o sa povesteasca prin sala!:)) Sigur ca pun poza pe blog daca o comitem in stil mare!:))
Love the make-up 🙂 Pe mine nu prea ma pasioneaza povestile Disney, dar m-as uita la film pentru Lily James pe care o ador in “Downton Abbey”.
Multumesc! Nu urmaresc inca serialul dar e minunata actrita, atat de naturala si de frumoasa, m-a cucerit! <3
Ce diferit arata machiajul in magazin si acasa! In magazin pareai mai malefica si acasa mai Cinderella like 😛
Oricum super dragut si iti venea tare bine. Data viitoare o sa am mai mult curaj si aleg si eu ceva mai dark, ca mereu aleg doar machiaje naturale 😛
Imi place mult ca te-ai imbracat “adecvat” si ai fost super draguta 🙂
Acasa era si decorul alb si asta influenteaza mult!
Trebuia sa ma dichisesc, doar ma cunosti :D!
Superb machiajul si cat de bine te prinde! <3 Foarte talentata Alexandra! ^_^ Ce frumos ai fost coafata, de tinut nici nu mai zic, bine, tu intotdeauna reusesti sa ma surprinzi in cel mai placut fel posibil, de fiecare data!!! :*
imi place makeup-ul, poate un pic inchis dar pentru ocazii speciale e super 😀
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