Happy International Women’s Day!
Today I want to wish you the best, happy moments, healthy life, wonderful friends, a great love, an amazing career and a caring family. For me, these are the important things and I wish you all the same. Also, I want to leave you a quote that I like and that I believe in: ” Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” Read it and think about it. Magic will happen!
You know how I love doing special things, they’re a part of me and one of my biggest pleasure is to share it with the world around me.
So I prepared a special shooting with my dear friends Cristina and Dorina – here. If last year we stayed at home and had a fabulous time putting make-up, choosing clothes and jewelry and just had fun while being together as girls, this year we stepped up the game and went all out like modern princesses do!
We are sensitive, we love pink and pastels, we have a child-ish soul, we enjoy the simple things and find happiness in them and we absolutely adore all pretty stuff!
We decided to go at Macarons Madame Lucie, enjoy some delicious pastel macarons and be fabulous while wearing our divine pastel-colored, very feminine dresses made by Oana Nutu. They are so dreamy, we fell in love with them the minute we saw them!
My mom was once again the photographer and I can’t thank her enough for everything she’s done for me. I love you so much mom, photographer, best chef in the world and lovely friend to my best friends! Happy Women’s and Mother’s Day! You’re the best! <3
I’ll leave you with the pretty photos, I really love them because they represent me and the girls so well. I guess you already know us by now!
Have a lovely, amazing day! I’m sending you big, fluffy, virtual hugs! Kisses!
PHOTO CREDIT :: Mariana Rosu
Julie dress by Oana Nutu :: here ( how cool is that this dress is named after me? Pretty cool, I’d say, Thanks Oana for the lovely surprise! <3)
Bershka shoes
New look necklace worn as a headpiece
Moa ring
Soufeel bracelet :: here (soon I’ll show it to you!)
O adevărată inspirație, Julie! 🙂
Mă gândesc la o asemenea rochiță pentru pozele de album sau chiar de banchet, fiindcă se apropie curând, în cazul meu.
Ești foarte frumoasă!
Pupici :*
Multumesc, Larisa!
Oh, ai fi minunata, sunt sigura!
Ahh…so cute & sweet, it must be awsome to have a dress named by yourself :))
Yest, it was such a lovely surprise! <3
O zi frumoasa tie, mamei si prietenelor tale! 🙂 Esti o scumpa si nu ma mai satur de blogul tau roz. Pupici!
Multumeeeeesc! Ma bucur foarte mult! <3 <3
La multi ani Julie! 😀 Rochia care a fost denumita dupa tine arata fantastic si te reprezinta, iar ideea cu lantul pe post de bentita e foarte ingenioasa.
Vroiam sa te intreb daca pantofii Bershka sunt comozi. Stau in dubii daca sa-mi iau unii similari, tot de la ei, insa nu as vrea sa-mi rup gatul sau sa mor de picioare.
Ador sa port coliere si accesorile altfel decat ar trebui, par mai speciale asa! 😀
Off, am gresit, astia nu sunt de la Bershka, sunt de la Lovelywholesale. Ceilalti roz fuchsia sunt Bershka. Nu sunt cei mai comozi dar m-am obisnuit cu ei, ii port mereu. Ii gasesti in postarea cu balonasele.
La multi ani, frumoasa printesica Pink! <3
Esti superba in aceste fotografii si ma bucur enorm ca te-am intalnit si ca am devenit prietene! :*
Pupicei! :*
Multumesc!! Si voi sunteti superbe !! <3 <3 si sentimentul este reciproc!
Arătați exact ca niște prințese moderne! Sunteți superbe! Va pup
Mada from http://www.signaturebymm.wordpress.com
As intitula postarea cele 3 gratii. Sunteti foarte frumoase 🙂
Ce draguuut! Pupici!
Ce postare frumoasa, e o placere sa privesti pozele, parca sunteti niste papusele! <3 Tare frumoasa (si delicioasa) locatia, de rochite nici nu mai zic, rochite de printese moderne 😀 Eram sigura ca o sa ne pregatiti ceva frumos si se pare ca nu m-am inselat, cu siguranta postarea mi-a intrecut asteptarile <3 :*
Multumim din suflet, Rux!! :* :* :*
Wow!!!! Superb!!!! Totul e de vis!!!! As vrea sa va intreb unde au fost facute pozele, in ce locatie? Merci, va pup laurafashionblog.wordpress.com/
Multumim, Macarons Madame Lucie, Bucuresti, am scris in postare!
These photos give me life!:) Sunteti toate ca desprinse din pagini de basm modern din reviste glossy;) Trecem peste faptul ca am salivat un pic la macarons si briosici. Cert e ca voi v-ati incadrat peerfect in “peisaj” cu rochitele “spumoase” si colorate
Ce draguuuut! Multumim mult de tot!
Pupicei dulci ca briosicile!
cuum?? nu imi vine sa cred ca nu ti-am dat comment aici :O shame on me!! postarea cea mai cea!! ador culorile, rochita, accessoriile! super super :* keep up the great work, dear 🙂
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
What a lovely post and such a positive way to mark International Women’s Day! The images are very glamorous and captured beautifully, the dress looks absolutely divine on you, and the setting is fabulous! This is one of my all-time favourite looks of yours.
Saba x
Thank you so much for your kind words!
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Ce gingasa esti! 🙂 O fiiind delicata si minunata!
Superba rochita! Si pozele sunt minunate!
Multumesc muuult de tot! Pupicei!