Little things that make you happy can make you happy only if you let them. They are always there, for you to see and enjoy them but I know from experience that’s not an easy thing to do.
That delicious mochaccino or the coffee with whipped cream, that fluffy touch from your adorable puppy, that sweet kiss from your boyfriend, that hug from your mum or that perfect pink tree that’s on your way to work. Those are the little things that made me happy today because I let them, because I payed attention to them and I enjoyed them without thinking about something else. It was so easy and I wish it could always be like this.
I’m sorry (not!) if you’re bored of so much pink but, hey, look at the name’s blog, pink is part of my life and I really hope you can find here your daily dose of pink-ness, trust me, it’s good for you! The moment I saw this beautiful tree with its pink blossoms I knew I will take some pictures there but the weather got ugly and I only hoped the weather will get better, and, it did! Today, it was more beautiful than ever and I was so happy to be able to play a little in that amazing spot. After we took the outfit photos, we spent a little while there, taking a lot of photos of the tree, me and my mum, both! She’s getting so obsessed with taking pictures of everything, I wonder where she learned that…
A comfortable yet feminine outfit, a mix of styles that I love and that’s becoming my go-to uniform. Don’t be afraid of mixing styles, try them all and decide which one/ones represent you the best! I’m also becoming a fan of mixing prints, it’s so fun and I am always fascinated by the result!
Lots of kisses and have a lovely week!
Also, thank you for much for liking my facebook page, we are more than 2000! You may think it’s not much but for me it is!
PHOTO CREDIT :: Mariana Rosu
Bershka polka dots blouse c/o Kurtmann :: here
New Look floral pencil skirt
Black cape :: similar here
Bershka white sneakers
Bag ::
Daniel Wellington watch :: Classic Sheffield :: here || Zara necklace c/o Brand Circus :: here || Pandora bangle
Esti adorabila! Imi place mult outfitul, imi plac in mod special capa, fusta si camasa :D. So…aproape tot :))
Te pup
Hahaha :))))
Multumesc!!!! :* :*
Oooof, esti adorabila asa roz cum esti! <3
Ador pozele astea, abia astept sa infloresaca toti copacii peste tot asa! < :*
Initial cand am vazut prima poza pe Insta am crezut ca ai o rochita si abia asteptam sa vad cum e, dar acum am vazut ca e fusta, oricum imi place la nebunie, e super frumoasa tinuta!
Hihihi! Stiam! :)))))
Si euuu, sper sa fie cat mai multi!
Nu m-am gandit ca pare o rochita 😀 Am primit-o de ziua mea, mi se pare adorabila, e super moale si comoda <3
Pupicei mititei! * :*
So pretty Julie, reminds me of my blossom trees shooting! <3
Hihihi, si eu ma gandeam la pozele tale minunate cand am vazut copacelul si pozele <3
Ce dragut ar fi fost sa fii aici <3
These shots are beautiful!
Thank you so much! <3
Postarea asta ma duce cu gandul la vata de zahar <3
Esti superba!
Ah, ce-as vrea una!! Rox, desigur!
Nu ti-am mai comentat de mult timp. Esti superba si te prinde cel mai bine rozul! Ador tinuta, te pup! (da, stiu, totul la superlativ cand intru la tine pe blog :D)
Las’ ca vezi tu ce-ti fac cand ne vedem..pai cum domne sa nu comentezi?? Glumesc, desigur!
Multumesc frumos! Te pupicesc! :*
E superb peisajul, copacelul acela inflorit insufleteste toata atmosfera!
Imi place mult tinuta, e super, dar eu mi-as fi luat-o cu pantofi. Insa e super si cu tenisi, e mai funky 🙂
Imi place mult de tot si ce ai scris, ador postarile de genul asta! <3
Daaaa, e adorabil!! Bine, sunt vreo 3 dar asta iesea cel mai bine in pozite <3
Stiu ca asa ai fi purtat-o 😀 ce te cunosc. Recunosc ca asa voiam si eu initial dar imi plac atat de mult tenesii astia si mi s-a parut ca arata mai funky, cum spui tu si ca ma caracterizeaza combinatia 😀
Te pupacesc!
Ce frumoasă e fustița…lungimea, printul, culorile <3 Eu una nu mă supăr să văd roz de fiecare dată când intru pe blogul tău pentru că mi se pare că te descrie cel mai bine, încă de când te citeam pe celălalt blog. 🙂
Love the floral mixed with polka dots!
Heey you pretty, pretty one! Imi place la nebunie fusta si absolut toate elementele cu care ai combinat-o, iar bluzita e super sweet <3 Trebuie sa gasesc urgent un copac roz! 😀 Pupici
Absolut minunata 🙂
okey, m-am calmat! :)) si noi am avut cam doua zile de soare si vreme superba, dar acuma e ceva groaznic. Deja nu e de-ajuns nici jacheta de piele!!! MOOOR! Vreau soare deja sa port trenchuri si loafers. Imi place foarte mult aceasta tinuta, nici nu cred ca trebuie sa iti zic. :)) Si locatia perfeecta!!! Ador pomi infloriti! te pup 🙂
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
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Ca de obicei, o altă ținută impecabilă!
Îmi place mult! Te pup! ^_^
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hi!! i love it…but what is the lik of the skirt???
It wasn’t bought online, sorry!
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