Bonjour, mes cherries!
I know I’ve been away for such a long time but I’ve been enjoying some of the most amazing weeks while travelling around Europe. We’ve spent almost three weeks visiting some amazing cities and places and we’ve return so happy and with so many amazing memories! ♥
We decided to visit a few cities that we had in mind for some time and others that we’ve already seen but loved and we considered this our much awaited honeymoon. It was such a great decision and I am so happy we did it! I loved all the places we’ve seen but, obviously, some of were greater than others and I’ll tell you all about it.
First stop on our journey was Paris! We’ve been there 8 years ago but we hadn’t had the chance to see everything and really enjoy it. Alecs has been there more than once so he kept telling me that we should visit it again in order for me to like it more. (I liked Paris but I wasn’t in love with it)
My favorite day started with a delicious picnic in the most wonderful, most beautiful and perfect place in Paris:
Le Jardin du Luxembourg
Oh, my, oh, my!! That place is incredibly beautiful, I just fell in love with it and can’t get over its beauty! Never, ever! There’s a museum in the gardens which we didn’t visit so I don’t know if it’s worth it or not but the gardens were amazing! I could’ve stayed there all day long. There was so much greenery and flowers I couldn’t believe my eyes. Everything was so clean, there were benches and chairs everywhere and places to sit down on the grass and eat or drink something. I loved that there were so many flowers, especially.. you guessed it, pink ones, gorgeous, perfect flowers that were so well taken care of and I just was so happy only by seeing all the beauty around me. I was fascinated and trust me, I don’t get excited as much as I used to.
I will leave you with the photos which don’t do justice but I think you can get a tiny bit idea of what that place looks like.
Bonjour, mes cherries!
Am revenit cu prima postare dintr-o serie lunguta care sper sa va placa!
Pentru ca inca nu fusesem in luna de miere si se implinea deja un an de la nunta, am luat decizia de a pleca cu masina si de a vizita cateva orase pe care ni le doream de ceva vreme. Am renuntat la alte planuri pe care inca nu le concretizasem pentru ca nu am vrut sa riscam sa mergem intr-un loc indepartat si sa ne intoarcem dezamagiti.
Asadar, primul oras pe lista noastra a fost Paris. Alecs mai fusese de cateva ori si cunostea destul de bine orasul insa eu l-am vizitat o singura data si nu am fost chiar data pe spate, motiv pentru care el imi tot spunea ca trebuie sa-l vizitez mai bine si o sa ma conving singura ca este minunat.
O sa incep sa scriu despre ziua mea preferata care a inceput in cel mai superb loc din Paris:
Le Jardin du Luxembourg
Am mers acolo dis de dimineata cu bunataturi pariziene, ne-am asezat pe un gazon absolut divin si ne-am bucurat de primele raze de soare. Gradinile erau aproape goale insa cum am terminat noi de mancat, am observat cat de multi oameni veneau sa faca acelasi lucru: sa se bucure de o cafea sau de micul dejun inconjurati de verdeata si de flori. Am petrecut ceva timp pe acolo, totul era atat de frumos, era plin de flori care mai de care mai frumoase, verdeata peste tot, copacei, palmieri, apa, bancute la tot pasul. M-am indragostit iremediabil de acest parc. L-am declarat locul meu preferat din Paris si o sa vedeti si voi in fotografii despre ce vorbesc.
Daca planuiti o excursie in Paris, nu ratati acest loc si incrcati sa mergeti de dimineata si sa faceti si voi un picnic. Ziua voastra va deveni mult mai buna, va asigur!
After that, we wandered around that neighbourhood which is a spectacular one, there are so many narrow street, gorgeous buildings, lovely shops and so many small restaurants that catch your eyes, it was truly the best area I’ve seen in Paris. It had everything I love and admire in a city! <3
Dupa ce am vizitat fiecare coltisor al parcului, am ramas in acelasi cartier care este absolut minunat, este plin de stradute mici, restaurante cochete, cladiri superbe si mici magazinase la care te-ai holba ore intregi. Cred ca a fost zona mea preferata din Paris pentru ca avea tot ce-mi place la un oras, asa cum am mentionat mai sus.
Chiar pare superb locul, imi plac mult florile! <3
Foarte chic si tinuta ta, perfecta pentru Paris! ^_^
Absolut miiiiinunat! WOW <3
Daca in poze arata asa, in realitate cred ca era divin. E absolut superb locul, sper sa il vizitez intr-o buna zi ?