fashion, outfits


January 19, 2015


I am back after a really lovely week-end. We took a break from the city and went to the mountains to spent a few hours. I am so happy we went because the weather was amazing, the sun was shining and everything looked so beautiful. I usually don’t like going to the mountains if it’s Winter because I hate winter-related activities like: skiing, snowboarding, etc. Actually, I hate sports in general. I am not good at it and I don’t want to be, I just prefer to stay away and do something else. Running and working out is not included here because I do that sometimes but not because I enjoy it but because I have to. Well, enough about this subject!

I realized once more how beautiful our country is and I hope one day I’ll say I’ve visited every city and every special place there is because I am sure there are a lot! This time we only visited Sinaia for the 100th time and Brasov. I think I’ll never get tired of visiting Brasov because every time we go, we discover something new, a new spot, a new cafe, a new small shop. The highlight of this trip was that we climbed some  slippery stairs and saw the entire city, it was amazing!

I took advamtage of the beautiful weather and wore my new Milanoo black cape, you can find it here. My parka was in the car just in case but I am happy I didn’t need it.

We took a lot of photos and it was hard selecting only a few but here I leave you with some of my favorites and with the hope that Spring will come sooner!











black-cape-fur-collar-hat-knitt 2




black-cape-hat-blonde-curls 2









PicMonkey Collagec

PicMonkey Collage2c

PicMonkey Collage3c

love julie glitter


Milanoo black cape – find it here

Bershka jeans

Vintage knitted sweater

Tino Gonzalez boots

Vintage bag

H&M hat

H&M fur collar



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  • Reply federova January 19, 2015 at 8:36 PM

    Mi-e dor de Castelul Peles, in primavara sper sa-l bifam si noi pe anul asta :D.
    Foarte dragalasi voi doi :P.

  • Reply Claudia January 19, 2015 at 8:38 PM

    Love the outfit and the photos! <3

  • Reply cris January 19, 2015 at 8:39 PM

    Omfg, omfg, ce poze superbe! <3<3
    Deci pozele astea sunt extraordinare, cea cu Brasov luminat trbuie neaparat inramata, e perfecta ^_^
    Imi place si tinuta la nebunie, esti adorabila cu capa, iar blugii imi plac tare mult!

  • Reply Bianca January 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM

    Ce poze superbe! Mi-ai facut un dor de locurile acelea minunate! Abia astept sa ma reintorc!
    Ai o capa minunata! Iti vine foarte bine tinuta si se incadreaza perfect in peisaj!

  • Reply Dorina January 19, 2015 at 8:49 PM

    Superbe pozele! Breathtaking!
    Ador postarea asta, sunt minunate atat peisajele, cat si pozele. Ati facut o treaba grozava si tu si Alecs! 🙂 <3 Felicitari!

  • Reply valentina ioana January 19, 2015 at 9:27 PM

    Lovely pictures! Great outfit!

  • Reply Gabriela January 19, 2015 at 9:49 PM

    Intr-adevar avem o tara superba :X
    sunt superbe pozele si iarna este frumoasa…dar numai la munte 🙂
    si eu abia astept sa vina primavara
    te pupic

  • Reply Oribeauty January 20, 2015 at 10:46 AM

    Cât de superbe sunt pozele!

  • Reply Oteea January 20, 2015 at 1:44 PM

    <3 <3 <3

    De vis postarea asta! Mi-ai facut pofta de drumetii cu masina, abia astept sa ajungem si noi in Brasov si la Sinaia imediat cum se va incalzi vremea ^_^

    Pozele sunt geniale, locatiile alese iti taie repiratia de-a dreptul, iar tinuta ta e superba si foarte lady-like, desi imi imaginez ca ai cautat sa fie cat mai comfortabila.

    Te pup cu drag, sweet Julie :*

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog January 20, 2015 at 9:21 PM

      Multumesc, sweetie!
      Ador drumetiile cu masina, eu cu Alecs suntem innebuniti sa mergem impreuna cu masina si apoi sa vizitam oraselele pe jos, sa ne bucuram de fiecare locsor si de fiecare straduta, eu sa fac poze peste tot iar el sa analizeze detaliile cladirilor. Mi-ar placea sa facem asta cat mai des dar din pacate timpul nu e asa darnic 🙁

      Da, chiar am cautat pentru ca nu am tinut sa fiu motata ci sa ma simt cat mai bine si sa imi fie cat mai cald pentru ca sunt ff friguroasa. Aveam 3 pulovere pe mine deci chiar mi-a fost bine.


  • Reply Mamalina January 20, 2015 at 9:07 PM

    Tara noastra e plina de locuri minunate! Zona Peles/Pelisor e una din preferatele mele si mereu ma intorc cu drag acolo! In trecut mergeam des cu parintii mei, si parea ca m-am plictisit de ea, insa in ultimii ani am redescoperit-o si are un farmec aparte! Fotografiile sunt superbe si ma incarca cu energie si sentimente pozitive :). Tu esti frumoasa tare, capa e o bijuterie iar palaria iti vine de minune!

    Te pup cu drag!


    • Reply Pink Wish Blog January 20, 2015 at 9:23 PM

      Chiar este si mi-as dori sa le vad pe toate pentru ca, din pacate, am vizitat foarte putin din ea:(
      Eu imi aminteam ca mergeam prin excursii si am fost fascinata de Pelisor prima data cand le-am vizitat pe ambele.
      Ma bucur mult sa aud asta si recunosc ca si mie imi plac foarte mult si imi dau o stare de bine!

      Multumesc frumos, pupicei!!

  • Reply Fashionable Streets January 21, 2015 at 3:14 PM

    Romania is absolutely gorgeous, there are so many wonderful places to see!
    I love this kind of blogpost!

  • Reply Ruxandra January 21, 2015 at 6:44 PM

    Lovely Romania, lovely YOU! <3 Intre mine si munte intotdeauna a fost o legatura foarte puternica, asta pentru ca acolo mi-am petrecut mare majoritate a vacantelor cand eram mititica, imi placea la nebunie sa schiez 🙂 Sunt total de acord cu fetele care ti-au scris, pozele sunt absolut superbe! Tinuta imi place extrem de mult, mi se pare tinuta perfecta pentru o astfel de iesire intr-o zi frumoasa de iarna, pare foarte calduroasa! :*

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