fashion, outfits

Masculine style :: Fall 2016 trends

September 26, 2016

Pantaloni / Pants :: Vero Moda | Camasa / Shirt :: | Sacou / Blazer :: Shein | Pantofi / Shoes :: CCC | Geanta / Bag :: Zaful  | Esarfa / Scarf :: Vintage | Ochelari / Sunglasses :: ZeroUV | Inel / Ring :: House of Treasure

[ro] Unul din trendurile acestui sezon care m-a cucerit este stilul masculin. Daca ma urmariti de ceva vreme, stiti deja ca ador sa combin piese masculine cu piese feminine si desi stilul feminin ma descrie perfect, m-am gandit sa incerc si stilul masculin, presarat cu elemente feminine, evident.

Cred ca o tinuta masculina poate fi obtinuta cel mai usor cu ajutorul pieselor de baza. Garderoba mea este una foarte diversificata insa am cateva piese de baza pe care le port foarte des si pe care le consider necesare in garderoba oricarei persoane: camasa alba, sacoul negru si pantalonii negri. Aceste piese pot fi alese atat in modele clasice dar si moderne, in functie de preferintele si de job-ul pe care il aveti. Mie imi place sa aleg piese care pot fi utilizate si in tinute casual dar si in tinute mai stricte, alegand de fiecare data alte accesorii, potrivite diferitelor stiluri pe care vreau sa le adopt.

Camasa alba nu este doar una din cele 3 piese de baza ale garderobei dar si una din cele 5 piese preferate. Motivul este unul simplu: este foarte versatila. Imi place sa o port cu fuste midi, cu blugi schurti, cu blugi boyfriend, rupti, pantaloni skinny, fuste mini si lista poate continua la nesfarsit.

Pantalonii negri sunt si ei in top 5 haine preferate si ii port tot timpul: iarna, primavara, toamna si chiar si vara cand este foarte cald. Imi plac foarte mult pentru ca ii pot purta in nenumarate combinatii, ma simt foarte sigura cand ii port si ma fac sa para si mai slaba si putin mai inalta. Dupa cum probabil stiti, se poarta mult pantalonii si blugii care nu au terminatie si care au franjuri insa, datorita inaltimii mele, eu nu am gasit o pereche care sa mi se potriveasca. Asa ca am transformat una din perechile mele si sunt chiar multumita de rezultat. Urmeaza sa tai si o pereche de blugi, revin cu dovada!

Asa cum va spuneam, imi place sa ma joc cu accesoriile si sa dau tinutelor un alt aer, mai ales celor alb-negru care uneori pot fi plictisitoare. De data asta am ales o pereche de pantofi cu platforma, tip oxford, care se potrivesc de minune trendului masculin din acest sezon si o geanta rosie  pentru o nota de feminitate. Ochelarii cu lentila oglinda sunt noii mei preferati si o sa ma vedeti cu multe perechi in acest gen.

Un alt trend de care m-am indragostit este reprezentat de esarfele matasoase legate in jurul gatului. Imi plac enorm si, din fericire, am o multime pe care de abia astept sa le port.

[en] This Fall, one of my favorite trends is the masculine style! You know how I like to pair masculine and feminine and even though feminine is a word that perfectly describes me, I thought I’d try wearing a more masculine style with some feminine touches.  

I think the best pieces to create a masculine outfit are the basic ones. My wardrobe is nothing but basic but when I think about those basic wardrobe’s pieces, three items pop out: the white shirt, the black pants and the black blazer. I love wearing them together adding different accessories every time and creating all sorts of outfits and styles. 

The white shirt is not only one of the three basic items but one of my favorite 5 items from the entire wardrobe and the reason is really simple: it’s so versatile! I love wearing it with a midi skirt, with denim shorts, with ripped jeans and the list can continue. The white shirt I am wearing is a new one and I like it a lot because it’s made out f a great fabric, it has a cute little pocket and iyt’s longer and wider on the back, a detail I like a lot because it looks great in a casual, relaxed look.

The black pants are my go-to piece of clothing no matter the season. I don’t care if it’s Summer and there are 40 degrees Celsius, I still love them and wear them. They go with everything and they make me feel skinnier and safe. I don’t know, I just like them so much and I am always looking to add more pairs to my wardrobe. As you may know, fringed hem pants/jeans are so in right now but, because I am not a tall person, I can’t seem to find the right pair. So, I made my own pair and I am really pleased with how they turned out.

As I was saying, I like to play with the accessories and make the black and white looks a bit more interesting. This time, I wore these platform oxford shoes that I am a little bit obsessed with and that are a perfect fit with the masculine style along with a pair of cute socks, this Summer’s favorite bag: the red tassels tote bag and a pair of mirrored sunglasses. I don’t why why I’ve developed such a passion for these sunglasses but I like them a lot and I even made Alecs buy a similar pair. 

Oh, and last but not least, my favorite accessory: the vintage scarf tied around the neck. This trend has won my heart because I have so many beautiful vintage scarves that I didn’t wear before and now I love that I can pair them with so many cool outfits.

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In ceea ce priveste bijuteriile, in ultimul an am fost adepta pieselor foarte finute si discrete cum este acest inel Orion de la House of Treasure. Este un inel foarte micut si extrem de finut, placat cu aur 18k rose iar stelutele sunt cristale  zirconiu.

Am si o veste frumoasa pentru voi! Folosind codul PINKWISH, aveti o reducere de 40 lei la orice produs de pe siteul House of Treasure. Gasiti piese foarte frumoase si deosebite asa ca sper sa va bucurati de aceasta reducere! ♥♥♥ Trebuie sa va spun ca pachetul vine impachetat foarte frumos, alaturi de o scrisoare superba, pentru mine aceste detalii conteaza mult.


Fotografii / Photo :: anotherside-of-me

Editare / Editing :: Pink Wish



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1 Comment

  • Reply Lace dress and bell sleeves - autumn wardrobe - Pink WishPink Wish October 7, 2016 at 1:09 PM

    […] a black blazer and a pair of oxford shoes. If this mix seems a little bit familiar, check out this masculine style outfit in which I am wearing them both but in a total different style. I am starting to appreciate more […]

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