Hello! The week is almost over and I have prepared a new outfit post, an outfit you could wear at the office if you don’t work in a bank or something similar. I hope you’re working someplace where you can dress as you wish because there’s nothing better than dressing according to your personality.
I fell in love with this cute little blouse the moment I saw it and I grabbed it fast but no worries, it’s still in stock and there are many sizes available. I love the color, obviously, but I love its shape too, so cute and flirty, I’d say, don’t you think? I paired with my favorite black skirt, I wanted to keep the line of the blouse and I chose a flared one. You could always choose a nice pencil skirt, it would be a great fit!
This glen plaid black and white coat has become one of my favorites because it goes with almost everything and the print always manages to add a little something to any outfit.
As for the accessories, a sparkly statement necklace, a few beaded bracelets, my beloved Chamilia charm bracelet and the Classic Sheffield watch from Daniel Wellington. (If you want one, use pink-wish to get a 15%off on their website!)
PHOTO CREDIT :: Mariana Rosu
Bershka blouse c/o Kurtmann :: here
Lefties black skirt :: similar here, here, here, here, here
Sheinside glen plaid coat :: here
Milanoo black heels
Jadu Bag
Daniel Wellington watch : Classic Sheffield :: get it here. Use the code pink-wish to get a 15%discount!
Imi place mult paltonasul acela! Si intreaga combinatie cromatica.
Esti foarte draguta!
Si mie imi place foarte mult! Multumesc!
Vai, ai avut dreptate, bluzita e superba, iti vine minunat! <3
E super draguta tinuta, as purtat-o oricand! <3
Iti sta super cu parul prins, nu te mai vazusem de mult asa! 😀
Pupicei! ^_^
Este, este! Imi place asa mult, e super cute!
Pai il port foarte rar pentru ca nu prea imi place dar in ziua aia, domnul par nu dorea sa stea altfel!
Ma mir ca ti-ai facut coada! Doar o data cred ca te-am mai vazut 🙂
Esti super draguta! <3 :*
Imi place mult cum ai combinat piesele! <3
Te pup! :*
Nu statea altfel 😀 Nu o sa ma mai vezi prea curand 😀
Te pupicesc si multumesc!
Mereu iti admir parul frumos, imi plac foarte mult suvitele tale. Mama ta e tare tare talentata, am fost foarte surprinsa cand mi-ai zis ca ea iti face pozele, desi mai am o bloggeritza care imi place foarte mult si tot mamica o ajuta 😀
Te pup.
Multumesc frumos! In situatia asta nu arata prea grozav dar asta e 😀
Credeam ca toata lumea stie ca ea le face, oricum, tot timpul cand sunt intrebata si spun cine mi le face, oamenii raman uimiti!
Da? Cine? Sunt curioasa 😀
Foarte draguta ca de obicei
Ce frumoasa e bluzitaaaa iiiiii! <3 Imi place extrem de mult modelul si-mi place extrem de mult cum arata combinata cu fusta, ma bucur ca nu ai ales o fust conica sau dreapta, ai reusit sa alcatuiesti o tinuta fluida, foarte frumoasa! Pantofii sunt to die for <3 :*
Multumesc, Rux! Asta era prima varianta dar fusta asta ma caracteriza muuult mai mult!
Te pupicesc! Sunt dar nu sunt foarte comozi 🙁 🙁
Deci prima poza este atat de fashion, e de inramat, sincer! Ai un stil aparte de a poza! Pupici
Multumesc, te pupicesc!
This outfit is so you, the you that’s pretty and classy, that loves pink and black, the you that mixes patterns with such ease, I absolutely love it! And I love the ponytail too <3 Those heels: OMG, to die for indeed!
Happy Sunday, sweety! XO
Thank you, thank you!
Yes, to die for and to kill your feet!
So cute! Chic & Pink! Can’t miss it!
Thank you!!!
esti o scumpa 😀
ador combinatia de printuri
Multumesc frumos!!
si eu am vazut bluza pe site, si chiar m-am gandit la tine! arata super 🙂
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Hehe, ce iti fac eu tie, mereu cand vezi roz, te gandesti la mine 😀
Ce sweet este bluzita! 🙂