[EN] 2015, new year, new hopes, plans, resolutions and so much excitement. We should always aspire to be better, to doΒ new things, to make plans, to try and make our life a happy one but people like this idea of a new beginning and they like to start making thing differently starting 1st of January or every other Monday. Well, it’s okay. Change is good almost every time and it doesn’t matter when you start doing it, the important thing is to do what you think it will make you happier.
As many of you, I too have so many wishes (pink, of course!), so many plans, ideas that I would want to accomplish this year. 2015 is going to be the year of big changes and I am excited, I am hopeful and a bit sad because change means leaving behind something you had, something you were and loss is always painful even if it will bring you something better.
Last year, I did a special shooting and I told you all my resolutions for 2014. Some I manage to accomplish, some not so much but I least I know I tried and that’s something to be proud of!
This year, I decided not to make a list with all my wishes and my dreams, I just wrote them down on small pieces of colored paper and I put them in a small jar, named “2015 wishes”. They are all there and I am sure I will add some more. I also made a jar named “I am thankful for” and I already added some things. I am going to tell you one wish, though: I wish this jar won’t be enough and I will have to use another one, I wish I will be thankful for so many, many things that I will not have to fill the “Wishes” jar but the “Thankful for” one.
For you, I don’t wish anything special because I would only wish you want I want for myself so I just wish you to make true whatever you wish for! (Oh, God, this post should be named wish!)
The photos are a representation of things I love and you already know them: glitter, tulle, fairy tales, my baby and all pretty things! I hope you’ll enjoy them and I hope to inspire you to be whoever you want to be and love being! It’s so important to be happy with yourself no matter what!
Dress / Rochie :: My Juliette by Roxana Sanda
Golden crown / Coronita aurie :: H&M Kids
Heart ring / Inel inima :: H&M || Knuckle rings / Inele mici :: Moa || Love necklace / Colier Love :: Meli Melo || Bracelet / Bratara :: Primark
Bed sheets / Asternuturi :: Ikea
Pillow covers / Fete de perna :: H&M Home
O postare perfecta pentru un inceput de 2015 roooz (sa speram) :D. :*
La multi ani, Julie! Sa ai un an minunat, plin de lucruri frumoaze, roz π
Este superba postarea! Pupici
La multi ani, fetelor! Va multumesc mult de tot si va pupicesc!
Happy New Year Julie!
These photos are amazing, you look wonderful in that dress and all the glitter and that crown, looks amazing! π
Happy New Year, dear Oliviana!
Thank you so, so much!
Lots of kisses!
La multi ani, printesa roz! Foarte frumoase pozele. te pup
La multi ani si tie!
Foarte buna ideea cu dorintele notate pe mici bucatele de hartie, pe langa asta arata si foarte bine borcanasele, o idee speciala la fel ca si tine <3 Sper sa ti se indeplineasca toate! :* Doamne cat am mai dat tarcoale bentitei de la H&M, mi se pare geniala! Uite-o pe Pinkuta ce limbuta mititica are ea, draga de ea, imi erau mie dragi catelusi si inainte, dar acum de cand il avem pe Puf sunt absolut topitaaaaa dupa ei <3 <3 <3 Va pup :*
Rux, si eu sper la fel. Acum am pus intr-un pliculet multe hartiute asa si astept sa scot cate una π
Doamne si mie mi se pareeee, prima oara am zis: ee, cum o sa arat eu cu asta? desi inima imi batea tare, tare cand o vedeam. Dupa ce am vazut la atatea fete, m-am dus repejor sa o iau si surprizaaaaa! Am gasit modelul asta cu decupaje in forma de inimioara, am fost si mai incantata! M-a intrebat cineva ce o sa fac acum cu ea dar sunt sigura ca o s-o tot port, mi se pare perfecta si o sa mearga la multe sedinte! <3
O aparitie spectaculoasa ca de obicei!
La multi ani!
Multumesc mult!
Hello, little princess! <3<3<3
Pozele sunt minunate, imi plac la nebunie, coroana e super tare, sa o ascunzi cand vin eu ca nu scapa :)))))
Imi place la nebunie cum ti-ai schimbat header-ul, e perfect acum, il ador! ^_^
Pink kisses!
Hello, little heart!<3
Eram sigura ca te vei a... cu ea! <3
Ma bucur mult ca iti place, si mie imi place super mult, parca lipsea putin sclipici, acum mi-am dat seama π si parca nu-mi displace ideea de a-l schimba din cand in cand, parca il mai reimprospatez π
La multi ani si sper sa ti se indeplineasca dorintele ptr anul 2015! De unde ai cumparat borcanasele alea simpatice? Am si eu nevoie de 3 pe post de bomboniere π
La multi ani si tie, Oana!
Le am de cativa ani si nu erau de la un magazin anume:( imi pare rau. Poti incerca la Bamboo sau la un magazin in genul asta π
lovely pics! could you please tell us what lipstick you wore? amazing color <3
Thank you so much!
Of course, here you can find the lipstick and it’s the shade 22
glumesti, nu? :)))))))))))
Nu, nu glumesc deloc. Uite aici un review facut de Rux π
Lovely post!!!!
My Showroom
Omg, thank you so much for your comment! <3 <3 you made my day!
Ce frumoasa esti!! Rochia este absolut superba, imi place foarte mult culoarea ei π An nou fericit draga mea, cu sanatate, dorinte implinite si bucurii!! Pupicei <3
Multumesc din suflet!
Si mie imi place la nebunie culoarea si materialul!
La fel iti doresc! Multi pupicei!
Happy New Year, beautiful soul! :*
Iti doresc ca 2015 sa fie exact ca poastarea asta prea-minunata: cu tulle, cu sclipici, cu dorinte implinite, cu multa inspiratie si iubire, cu o Julie mai aproape de visele ei si inconjurata numai de lucruri si persoane frumoase!
Te pup cu drag :* <3
Happy New Amazing Year, sweetie!!! <3
Iti multumesc mult, mult de tot!
Multi pupicei!
ahhhhh, and this post is perfection also!!! <3
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Hahaha, thankies!!! <3