fashion, outfits

Casual outfit

April 7, 2016

Camasa / Shirt :: H&M | Blugi / Jeans :: Lovelywholesale | Tenisi / Sneakers :: Tamaris | Geanta / Bag :: Lovelywholesale | Ochelari / Glasses :: ZeroUV


Am revenit cu o tinuta foarte simpla si casual, perfecta pentru a umbla toata ziua prin oras!

Reteta mea pentru astfel de tinute e foarte simpla: blugi + o camasa larga + tenisi/adidasi. Parerea mea este ca nu puteti da gres cu o asemenea combinatie!

Am creat aceasta tinuta pornind de la noii tenisi de la Tamaris pe care ii puteti gasi acum in magazine #TAMARISromania #SpringSummer16. Probabil ca stiti deja ca imi place foarte mult incaltamintea sport si acesti adidasi mi-au placut de cum i-am vazut! Au o culoare care este usor de purtat, o textura interesanta si putin glitter ( ce altceva sa mai vreau?)

Un lucru pe care nu stiu daca il stiti despre mine este acela ca sunt purtatoare de ochelari de vedere. Nu m-ati vazut pana acum purtandu-i deoarece prefer lentilele de contact. Sunt mult mai comode si, fiindca am dioptrii foarte mari, atunci cand port ochelarii, ochii mei par mult mai mici. Asa ca ii port doar acasa. Totusi, desi nu credeam vreodata ca voi spune asta, mi-am dorit o pereche pe care sa o port cand vreau sa obtin un look mai diferit si mai de “geek”.

Va doresc o zi minunata!

Hello, girls!

I am back with a super casual and relaxed outfit, perfect for running errands or walk a lot around the city.

My recipe for this kind of look is very simple: jeans + oversized shirt + sneakers. You can’t go wrong wearing those 3 together or, at least, that’s what I think!

To be honest, I created the outfit starting with my new Tamaris sneakers that are now available in stores. I am a big fan of sport shoes, as you may already know and this pair is one of my favorites! It has a great color, a nice texture and a bit of glitter, jut how I love it!

Also, I don’t know if I told you before but I wear vision glasses. You don’t see me wearing them because I prefer contact lenses, they are so much easier to wear and given that I have big dioptres, my eyes look very small and deformed while wearing my real glasses. I wanted to get a false pair to wear when I am in he mood for a geeky look and I think these ones are great. I never thought I would want to wear glasses but, well, people change!

Wish you a lovely day!

relaxed-outfit-oversized-shirt-ripped-jeans-geek-glasses (1) relaxed-outfit-oversized-shirt-ripped-jeans-geek-glasses (3)relaxed-outfit-oversized-shirt-ripped-jeans-geek-glasses (9)relaxed-outfit-oversized-shirt-ripped-jeans-geek-glasses (6) relaxed-outfit-oversized-shirt-ripped-jeans-geek-glasses (7) relaxed-outfit-oversized-shirt-ripped-jeans-geek-glasses (8)

photo :: anotherside-of-me | edited by me



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  • Reply Ada April 9, 2016 at 7:50 AM

    Foarte draguta si lejera tinuta. Si merge minunat cu ochelarii geek! Si eu port ochelari de vedere, dar tot timpul pentru ca nu imi plac lentilele. Imi este foarte greu sa gasesc o pereche care sa imi vina bine si comfortabil (mai ales in genul asta), dar tie iti stau super!

  • Reply Rokolla April 13, 2016 at 10:50 PM

    O tinuta perfecta pentru o zi de weekend si extrem de lejera!

  • Reply TrendwithDeea April 15, 2016 at 10:35 AM

    Superba tinuta ta, nu stiu daca te-am mai intrebat…dar ce aparat folosesti? 🙂

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog April 15, 2016 at 11:41 AM


      Nikon D5100, obiectiv Sigma 50 mm f/1.4

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