Pardesiu / Trench coat :: VIPme | Tricou / Tshirt :: Primark | Geanta / Bag :: Zaful | Ochelari / Sunglasses :: ZeroUV
[en] When it comes to Autumn and its appropriate wardrobe, I immediately think about trench coats. They are perfect for the chilly weather and I definitely think they are a great basic piece. I don’t own many but the ones I have, I really like and wear a lot. I’ve wanted a military green trench coat for a while and, because this Autumn ⋅ all things military ⋅ are a big trend, I thought: there’s no better moment!
This military green trench coat in particular has a great fabric, really soft and smooth and I love the fact that it’s so long. I found it on and I was amazed by its great quality, you can find some great pieces on their website so I really recommend it! Another thing I like about it, it’s the draped collar that looks amazing and gives so much dimension to any outfit. The trench itself is an outfit, no matter what you wear underneath. Decided to style it in a casual, masculine way with a little touch of sexy. You know me: mixing masculine and feminine is the thing I absolutely love doing!
I wore my beloved pair of oxford shoes, a striped tee, a big shopper bag and a touch of lace. Kept it very simple because I didn’t want to distract you from the beautiful trench.
Hope it will inspire you!
Have an amazing week!
[ro] Cand vine toamna si ma gandesc la garderoba adecvata ei, unul din lucrurile care imi trece imediat prin cap este pardesiul sau trenciul. Este haina perfecta pentru tranzitia de la vremea calda la una mai rece si, pentru mine, trenciul este o piesa de baza in garderoba. Nu detin multe dar imi plac foarte mult si le port destul de des. De multa vreme imi doream unul kaki sau verde militar iar pentru ca sezonul asta este o tendinta, am zis ca e momentul potrivit pentru a face pasul.
Trenciul are un material care imi place mult, e foarte fin si catifelat si imi place ca este destul de lung. Gulerul cascada a fost detaliul care m-a cucerit, mi se pare ca ofera dimensiune si nu mai ai nevoie de multe accesorii. Eu am ales sa creez o tinuta casual, de zi, cu un mic detaliu dantelat care a oferit un strop de feminitate unei tinute masculine. Stiti deja ca ador sa combin aceste doua stiluri.
Sper sa va placa si sa va inspire!
O saptamana frumoasa sa aveti!
If you love the military green trench coat as much as I do, you can use the code PinkWish341 at in order to get $5off on orders $over 50.
Folosind codul PinkWish341 aveti 5$ reducere la comenzi de peste 50$ pe
Esti superba <3
Amazing coat!!!!!!! So chic look!!!!!!!
A trench coat’s a autumn staple! Loving this outfit!
Hugs and kisses, beautiful!!
Si eu ador trench-urile toamna, sunt piesa mea favorita! <3
Al tau e superb si l-ai combinat foarte frumos.
Si a mea 😀 De fapt, imi plac enorm si gecile din imitatie de piele 😀
Absolut minunata! Caut ceva similar, asa ca arunc un ochi cu siguranta! Imi place enorm combinatia, foarte creativa! Machiajul e “on point”, ca de fiecare data! Imi place ca mereu pot sa fur cate o idee de la tine :).
Te puuuup!
Multumesc mult de tot! <3
Combinatia trench +pantofii oxford e preferata mea! love it!
Si mie imi place foarte mult! <3
De unde e fusta? O ador!
Nu e fusta, e o rochie mai veche