fashion, outfits

Suede skirt and the double buckle belt

October 20, 2016

Fusta / Skirt :: Shein | Bluza / Blouse :: Stradivarius c/o Kurtmann | Geaca / Jacket :: Shein ( similar 1 . ) | Curea / Belt :: Zaful | Ochelari / Sunglasses :: ZeroUV | Palarie / Hat :: Primark | Ghete / Boots :: CCC |

[en] Hello, lovely ones! I’m trying to make up for my colorless outfits by adding one of Fall’s favorites: the brown-ish – mustard-y color. I really don’t know how to name it but it’s a color I love and I think it’s perfect for this season!

And if you think you’ve seen this outfit before, think again! It’s very similar to the one I wore for Stylish Circle but not quite. I kept the brown suede skirt, the sunglasses and the scarf and mixed them up with some other items. A thing I love and appreciate on other people is the ability to wear the same clothes differently and, as I’ve told you before, I’m trying to do this more and more. It’s so rewarding, honestly!

So, I wore a beautiful embroidered ivory blouse that I’ve been wearing non stop this Summer, my brown suede skirt that you can also see here , my trusty black leather jacket that you’ve seen a hundred times, a vintage scarf worn around my neck  and my new favorite accessory : the double buckle belt, it’s so cool!

Also, I’ve become slightly obsessed with this pair of boots, I am wearing them almost everyday, they’re so comfortable and I feel like they’re giving me a cool, urban vibe. A black hat was highly requested and, as usual, I chose a pair of big, round, mirrored sunglasses!

Hope you’ll feel inspired! ♥

[ro] In continuare imi plac enorm tinutele alb-negru dar am decis sa aduc putina culoare pe blog si nu orice culoare, ci una din preferatele mele pe timpul toamnei: maro-ul camel mustar, nu stiu exact numele dar stiu ca imi place la nebunie!

Daca tinuta vi se pare cunoscuta, asa e! La Timisoara am purtat aceeasi fusta, ochelarii si esarfa insa de data asta am vrut o tinuta cu un aer urban chic. Am purtat-o cu o bluza cu detalii incredibil de frumoase, mie imi par a fi niste frunzulite, geaca mea preferata care reuseste sa ofere oricarui look un aer rock, o palarie neagra de care imi era dor si ghetele negre care au devenit preferatele mele, le port zilnic si sunt super incantata de cat de comfortabile sunt si de faptul ca dau un aer urban oricarei tinute.

Sper sa va placa si sa va inspire! ♥







brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-3brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-2brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-11 brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-9brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-10 brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-7brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-8 brown-suede-skirt-two-buckles-belt-6fotografii / photos ::

editare / editing ::



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  • Reply Ada October 25, 2016 at 6:39 AM

    Absolut superba tinuta – ador pata de culoare data de la esarfa.

  • Reply jointyicroissanty October 26, 2016 at 7:38 PM

    That skirt is so beautiful and I adore combo with this belt! You look so stylish!


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