Sibiu travel diary

September 28, 2015

Hello, again! As promised, I am back with a lot of pretty picture from Sibiu! This city is adorable and I could definitely take hundreds of pictures everyday, the streets are amazing, the buildings are old and they have pastel colored walls, the cafes are so pretty and all the signs are so discreet. It feels like you’re in another country!

simple-white-gold-wedding-rings sibiu-romania-old-buildings sibiu-romania romania-sibiu PicMonkey Collage old-buildings-sibiu-romania

One of the highlights of this trip was that I got to see some gorgeous and lovely girls. First of all,  my pretty, sweet and adorable fellow blogger and friend, Oteea – check out her blog because it’s truly amazing and it’s definitely one of my all time favorites! <3

I finally got to meet in person Andra and Teodora who I loved, they’re so happy, optimistic and talented girls, just check their Instagram and you’ll agree with me! It was such a pleasure to spend time with all of them and chit chat about everything!

loving-friends sibiu-squad-friendslove coffee-quote-sibiu-romania cofee-espressee-sibiu-romania




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  • Reply Stefana September 28, 2015 at 3:03 PM

    I follow all of them on Insta, they have such unique and pretty styles 🙂 Ma bucur sa le vad aici, cu tine 😀 si mie mi se pare superb Sibiul, parca din alta tara. Trebuie sa mai fac si eu o excursie pe-acolo, a trecut ceva timp. Fotografiile sunt minunate, ca de obicei, iar voi doi sunteti asa frumosi impreuna :*

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog September 28, 2015 at 7:42 PM

      Si eu le urmaresc de ceva vreme si dupa ce am intalnit-o pe Oteea, mi-am dorit si mai mult sa le intalnesc si pe celelalte doua pentru ca ea fiind atat de minunata, eram sigura ca si ele vor fi la fel <3
      Si mie imi place atat de mult, de data asta a fost mai frumos ca niciodata pentru ca a fost vremea foarte frumoasa si am putut sa il colindam cat am vrut 😀

      Multumeeeesc!! Te pupicesc!

  • Reply cris September 28, 2015 at 3:33 PM

    Ce poze frumoase! <3
    Te invidiez ca te-ai intalnit cu fetele 😀

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog September 28, 2015 at 7:42 PM


      Las’ ca mi-au promis ca vin aici <3 <3 <3

  • Reply MiuMiu September 28, 2015 at 5:06 PM

    Jully, cica oamenii care se iubesc incep sa semene, la voi se aplica, semanati tare mult si am vrut sa iti spun asta de mult 😀

    Ce frumos ca v-ati intalnit toate 4 in Sibiu…


    • Reply Pink Wish Blog September 28, 2015 at 7:43 PM

      Hihi, inca de la inceputul relatiei noastre oamenii ne-au spus ca semanam foarte mult, ba chiar ne-au spus ca suntem si frati.. eh 😀

      Da, da! <3 <3 <3

  • Reply Ruxandra September 28, 2015 at 9:46 PM

    O adevarata placere sa privesc pozele, simt ca m-am plimbat si eu prin Sibiu odata cu voi 🙂 Pe Andra si pe Teodora nu le stiam pana sa citesc despre ele in postarea aceasta insa acum ma duc sa le urmaresc ^_^ this is for sure one of my favourite posts and you girls are beautiful :*

  • Reply Teodora R. September 29, 2015 at 11:06 AM

    You adorable girl, nu ma chiar asteptam sa apar pe blog asa ca a fost o surpriza foarte placuta, iar pozele sunt minunate. Iti multumesc pentru cuvintele frumoase, m-am bucurat tare mult ca ne-am vazut.
    Te pupacesc cu drag :-*

  • Reply Andra September 29, 2015 at 2:14 PM

    Hey there, sweet Julie! Cat de cute sunt pozele ♥♥♥
    Ma bucur mult de tot ca te-am cunoscut (you know… live ;p) si sper sa ne mai intalnim curand, printr-un oras sau altul 😀
    Hugs & kisses!

  • Reply Fashionable Streets September 29, 2015 at 3:45 PM

    I loove Sibiu! De fiecare data cand ajung in tara vizitez si Sibiul-orasul meu de studentie si locul in care mi-am intalnit sufletul pereche – pe sotul meu!
    Superbe pozele, iti transmit o stare de bine!

  • Reply Anaivilo October 5, 2015 at 4:29 PM

    Oh Sibiu….e atat de frumos! Mi-e dor de el, nu am fost acolo de cativa ani…
    Superbe pozele tale, iar voi toate sunteti adorabile! 😀

  • Reply Saci October 8, 2015 at 9:57 PM

    I really love Sibiu also. It’s been a while since I’ve visited it. btw, you took loads of great pictures! 🙂

    ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page

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