Stylemoi pink tuxedo blazer (other lovely blazers here) | Bershka jeans (similar 1. , 2. here, 3. here) | Stradivarius checked shirt | Zaful blue backpack (similar here) | Stradivarius white pointy flats | Soufeel bracelet (use BLOG5 for 5% off)
Hello, everyone! I welcome you back with a special post, a post that’s dedicated to all of you who are going back to university this year! If you remember, last year I made a similar article but for those who were going back to highschool. The truth is, I would wear both this outfit and the one from last year to high school and to university, they are both decent and appropriate for going to school.
First of all, I want to talk a little bit about school in general. School is not the place were you go to sport your designer clothes and all your fancy gadgets, school is the place were you’re going to study, to become a wiser person, to develop yourself in any possible way. I know we’re living in a time where you feel the need to own the latest clothes, accessories, the newest laptop and phone but if you could just stop and think about the important stuff, you’ll realize the things you need are so different!
My advice for you is to enjoy your student life doing what you really love: study enough to pass your exams, dedicate yourself to the stuff you really like, read as many books as possible, apply for internships and have fun with all your friends, these years are really important and you won’t get them back. Don’t try to be someone you’re not because you are the best version of yourself and you must let other people see you as you!
I don’t want to get emotional because I already miss my student time so much and I wish I could change some things and do so much more with my free time! Well, because this is a fashion blog, let me tell you something about my outfit and what I think you should wear.
The difference between university and high school regarding your looks is that in university you’re not so restricted and you can wear almost anything you want but, hey, do you really want to do that? I think the best answer would be no. You’ll want to wear something decent, something you’re very comfortable in but something you wouldn’t wear at a party, at the beach, at the gym or when you’re sleeping. So, try and wear daytime appropriate clothing. Avoid heels, massive make-up, and sophisticated hairstyles but always take care of yourself and look tidy.
I have always loved to wear jeans, shirts, blouses and cardigans/blazers while going to school. I have mixed these items a lot and even though I didn’t own a big wardrobe, my outfits always looked different because I mixed and matched all of my clothes. I have always loved to add a little something to my looks and here you have an example: I wore a pair of skinny jeans ( I wore this pair a lot in college!), a checked shirt in the same color, a pair of white pointy flats, a blue backpack and for that little special touch that made this outfit my own, I wore a pink tuxedo blazer. The outfit is a very simple, comfortable, daytime one and the blazer gives it something more.
Don’t over accessorize your outfit, choose some earrings or 2-3 ring you love, a watch and something special to you: I wore my Soufeel bracelet that has a lot of travel-inspired charms because after a long Summer you’ll want to remember the places you’ve been to ( in my case, I am still dreaming about the future ones!)
Don’t forget to check Dorina’s outfit here!
photo credit ::
Hei draga mea! Iti citesc cu drag fiecare postare. P.s. ce bine te prinde culoarea roz.
te pup
Multuuuumesc!!! Pupici!
you girls both look so cute <3
Thank you!!
babes, you look fab 😀
and i love that blue bagpack
Thank you so much!
Am vazut postarea pe blogul fetelor si am fugit si la tine pe blog ca sa iti pot admira tinuta din mai multe unghiuri. Imi place mult 🙂
Chiar e foarte potrivita pentru prima zi de facultate.
Ce dragut! Multumesc frumos! Pupici!
Pfoi ce fotograf priceput! Fetelor in ziua aia am ramas si fara machiaj datorita voua si da, am vrut sa scriu datorita pentru ca as ramane oricand fara machiaj pentru o sesiune bun de ras alaturi de voi! Ahahahaahha :))))) Ambele tinute mi-au placut tare mult si le-as purta oricand cu drag pentru ca imi reprezinta stilul! Foarte interesant blazerul tau Julie, e un must sa imi gasesc si unul asemanator :*
Jos palaria, Rux!! Lasa ca aveai prea frumoase coditele, ne intimidai, am facut totul intentionat!
Da, da, chiar este, foarte dragalas!
Te puuuup!
Foarte faine ambele ţinute.
Multumim frumos! :*
Aratati superb amandoua! Tinta este simpla si foarte placuta si vad ca v-ati asortat intr-o oarecare masura si cu cartile. 😀
Multumiiim! Da, da, adoram sa ne asortam cu tot ce putem 😀
Super draguta aceasta postare! Trebuie sa faceti chestia asta mai des 😀
Multumim! Noi vrem dar nu e asa usor pentru ca avem nevoie de inca o persoana care sa ne ajute 😀
you both look so stylish!!! perfect looks for Uni! somehow I find myself wearing only grey & black to Uni… I really don’t know why. Maybe because it’s more comfortable and easy to style… kisses girls!!
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