fashion, outfits

Can’t give up colors!

April 1, 2015

It seems that the more I try to avoid colors, the more attracted I am to them and even when I have a clear image of the outfit I will wear and it’s a non-colorful one, I end up adding one or two colors. I just can’t help it, colors are a part of my personality, they always put a smile on my face and I think the reason I always wear them is because I want to see other people smile and be joyful even for a moment.

So, as I was saying, I wanted to create a black-white-grey outfit but it turned out a bit different. These pink heels are my favorite ones, I always wear them and it’s not like I don’t own a few other pairs but this one is too beautiful and I think it’s such a versatile pair even if it’s pink. These Zara suit pants are amazing, I’ve been looking for something similar for a long time and you can’t imagine how happy I was when I found them on Brand Circus. I even got them in a bigger size because I liked them too much. I have to make them smaller but I couldn’t wait anymore and I wore them like this, twice! Surely, you’ll see more of them because I have a lot of outfit ideas!

I went for a business-y look so the simple, white shirt (bought from the men category) and a beautiful, simple, black blazer that’s also new in my wardrobe were my choices for the rest of the outfit. I  had to add my signature touches so I added a sparkly Zara statement necklace and my adorable baby blue bag that I received on my birthday.

The coat was a last minute decision because at first I thought it was too much but then I went for it, I really love the mix of the same prints, in different size and colors. What do you think?

zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt (10) zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt (6)

zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt-daniel-wellington-watch (11) zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt (5) zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt (4)

zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt-daniel-wellington-watch (13) zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt (3) zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt (2) zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt (1) zara-grey-suit-pants-glen-plaid-coat-pink-heels-zara-baby-blue-bag-white-shirt-daniel-wellington-watch (12)



H&M white shirt :: similar  here, here

Zara grey suit pants c/o Brand Circus :: here, similar here

Black blazer :: here

Glen plaid coat :: here

Bershka pink heels || Zara baby blue bag

Zara crystal necklace c/o Brand Circus :: here || Daniel Wellington watch :: Classic Sheffield :: here || Pandora bangle


Instagram :: @pinkwishblog



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  • Reply Ana April 1, 2015 at 3:47 PM

    Absolutely beautiful!

  • Reply Signature by M&M April 1, 2015 at 3:52 PM

    Un outfit superb! Acum am observat cat de bine te prinde negrul, este ciudat, dar outfitul pare mai viu cand se observa sacoul negru. Bine, cel putin asta este parerea mea :-D. Pupici
    Mada from

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog April 1, 2015 at 9:08 PM

      Multumeeesc! e al doilea preferat, dupa roz! Da, iese in evidenta mai ales cu celelalte culori mai deschise, cu parul blond si pielea alba 😀


  • Reply Anne April 1, 2015 at 7:31 PM

    Zici ca esti pomul de Craciun cu imprimeurile astea pe tine!Te imbraci de la second-hand cumva?Esti balcaza tare mai fata pune mana si mai slabeste ca esti penibila!!!!!!!!!!

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog April 1, 2015 at 8:55 PM

      In primul rand, pomul de Craciun este un simbol frumos, nu ceva de care sa iti bati joc. In al doilea rand, la second hand gasesti adevarate comori pe care nu ai cum sa le obtii daca umbli doar prin mall. In al treilea rand, nu, nu m-am imbracat de la second hand si daca ai fi fost atenta si rabdatoare, gaseai numele firmelor pe care le port la sfarsit. Desigur, asta insemna sa stii engleza.

      Nu stiu cum ma vezi tu grasa dar nu sunt si nici nu am de gand sa slabesc pentru a-i face pe plac unei persoane plictisite, al carei singur moment de fericire este acela obtinut prin jignirea unei alte persoane. Ce trist este, nu pot spune ca imi pare rau pentru tine pentru ca as minti. Sunt sigura ca in spatele fatadei stau lucruri dureroase dar te-as ruga ca data viitoare sa te abtii. Pe mine nu m-au durut cuvintele tale pentru ca stiu mai bine dar pe alte persoane le-ar fi putut rani si nu cred ca ai idee cat. Tine cont ca exista persoane sensibile, persoane care pot fi ranite foarte usor si ranile alea pot prinde radacini adanci.

      Invata sa te accepti pe tine si apoi vei vedea ca dorinta ta de a fi atat de critica cu altii va fi foarte mica. Rautatea ta spune multe. Poate ar trebuie sa te documentezi si sa vezi cum poti remedia spre binele tau.

    • Reply Dorina April 4, 2015 at 1:22 PM

      Daca si Julie arata ca pomul de Craciun, atunci nu stiu cine mai arata bine. E atat de eleganta si are foarte mult bun gust, cum rar gasesti pe blogurile de fashion, in special pe cele de la noi.
      Si nu e deloc grasa, cum ii poti spune sa slabeasca?! Iti dai seama ca astfel de comentarii pot afecta stima de sine? Daca ai lasa asta pe blogul unei adolescente iti dai seama cum s-ar simti? Ce ai vrea, sa ajunga la 40 de kilograme si sa fie piele si os? Eventual si portocalie si cu sprancene pe toata fruntea ca prostovanele pe care le promoveaza mass-media de la noi.
      Off, nu stiu de ce esti asa rea, in mod gratuit. Nu e nevoie sa ridici bloggeritele in slavi, dar iti poti spune parerea si intr-un mod frumos. Si subliniez cuvantul ” parerea”. Pentru ca asta e doar parerea ta, nu e un adevar general valabil.
      Ii puteai spune: Eu nu as purta cele doua imprimeuri impreuna, arata cam incarcat sau nu sunt pe gustul meu. Dar nu stiu cu ce te-a ajutat sa foloseti limbajul asta agresiv. Poate te-ai descarcat si acum te simti mai bine. Sa speram…

  • Reply Alexandra Marie April 1, 2015 at 7:34 PM

    Great shots- what a neat location! Alex

  • Reply Oteea April 2, 2015 at 10:00 AM

    Niciodata nu o sa pot intelege nevoia oamenilor de a fi rai, de a rani asa gratuit, doar pentru ca se pot ascunde in spatele unui monitor si al unui nick-name. Cu atat mai mult atunci cand cuvintele lor suna atat de fals si sunt atat de departe de adevar. Ma uit la tinuta asta si tot ce vad e eleganta ta Julie, si iubirea ta fata de culori, si mai vad EXTRAORDINAR de mult bun gust si atata simplitate incat imi e greu sa imi imaginez cu ce fel de pomi de Craciun a avut de-a face personajul de mai sus.

    Dar mai putine despre ea si mai multe despre tine, Julie. Esti absolut superba, tinuta e de nota 10 (am probat si eu niste pantaloni asemenatori in H&M, dar din pacate nu erau disponibili in marimea mea), iar accesoriile completeaza outfit-ul perfect. Continua sa inspiri lumea cu tinutele si cu zambetul tau <3 <3 <3

    P.S. Ce telefon folosesti? ;;)

    Hugs & kisses, my beautiful!

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog April 2, 2015 at 2:43 PM

      Multumesc, Oteea!
      Nu stiu de ce oamenii cred ca daca ai o pasiune ce implica postarea unor fotografii, pot face ce vor din tine. In fine, ce ma deranjeaza mai tare este ca atunci cand le oferi un raspuns, se supara si mai rau pentru ca ai avut “nesimtirea” de a te apara si de a continua dialogul.

      Of, am patit si eu de atatea ori sa nu gasesc marimea mea si uneori, ca si acum, am luat si o marime mai mare, de abia astept sa ii micsorez putin si sa arate perfect! <3 Mi-as dori si acelasi model cu alt imprimeu <3

      Mai nou folosesc un Huawei Ascend P7 dar, din pacate, Instagramul le modifica calitatea si nu apar atat de frumoase cum sunt de fapt 🙁

      Pupicei <3 :* :* <3

  • Reply Bookish Style April 2, 2015 at 10:39 AM

    Ma faci sa-mi doresc toate hainele din garderoba ta 😀 Imi place stilul tau la nebunie

  • Reply Julia Hasch April 2, 2015 at 11:21 AM

    Locatia e geniala, tinuta imi place foarte foarte mult si chiar sunt de aceeasi parere cu Mada de la cand vine vorba de sacou <3

    Julia |

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog April 2, 2015 at 2:39 PM

      Multumesc! Da, chiar este super acea terasa, am mai facut si asta vara poze acolo si au iesit mult mai bine pentru ca era soare. Acum a plouat si era totul mai inchis si mai trist, noroc cu acele bancute colorate! <3

      Multumeeesc, pupicei!!

  • Reply Oana April 2, 2015 at 3:34 PM

    Omg, nu știu ce se întâmplă în ultimul timp. Pe orice blog intru trebuie să găsesc un hater care comentează aiurea. Eu sunt fana pantalonilor de genul acesta, asta deoarece nu prea port fuste. Mi se par speciali pentru că arată bine atât cu balerini sau oxford shoes, dar mai ales cu pantofi 🙂

  • Reply Oana April 2, 2015 at 3:40 PM

    E calitativ sacoul de pe choies? În pozele tale arată foarte bine. Mă tot bate gândul să-mi comand unul, dar nu am îndraznit până acum. M-am rezumat doar la topuri pentru că e mai greu să mă nemultumească ceva din categoria asta.

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog April 2, 2015 at 3:56 PM

      Asta e de pe Sheinside.
      E asa si asa, nu e cea mai buna calitate dar e destul de placut. Mie imi place desi as fi vrut sa fie putin mai solid, nu asa subtire

  • Reply Fashionable Streets April 3, 2015 at 4:14 PM

    Draguta tinuta. Cel mai mult imi plac pantalonii!

  • Reply Saci April 3, 2015 at 9:56 PM

    I’m gonna write in English cauze I cannot express my anger in romanian. what the fuck??? you fat? ooohmyygoooooood, you are so skinny and pretty and this look is amazing! and I am not saying that because I have met you and you are the sweetest girl but because it is a perfect look! people are just so jealous nowadays. they think that just because someone has a blog it means their life is perfect, or I have no idea where the frustration comes from. I had some haters, but I still cannot understand people. Not only she doesn’t have style (clearly) she has no knowledge of anatomy and proportions. Your body is perfect, the problem is all the other anorexic bloggers who drink that stupid smoothie and go to electrucate themselves why moving a few muscles. You see this is another reason why I fuckin hate Romania, too many uneducated people. Ah… okey, let’s change the subject cuz I’m gonna break something :))) This look, ohmy, I love how you combined the two checked items, and the pop of colors are just amazing! kisses!

    ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog April 4, 2015 at 9:23 PM

      Oh, you don’t have to get so upset, I know is really frustrating but this is just the reality, people love to be mean and usually it’s not their fault.
      I hate this weight issue, this is why young girls have so many problems and many of them die. I think it is so, so sad and I have to admit that there are times when I think I have to lose weight but I know my weight is normal and it’s a healthy one.
      Unfortunately, not everybody knows it and the fact that bloggers are becoming role models and they post pictures with their “meals” consisting in only a few bottles of juice is not doing any good.

      Thank you so much for your comment! <3

      Kisseeeees and come soon to Bucharest!

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