Hello! It’s only Thursday but I am so excited for the week-end I feel like it’s Friday afternoon! March 1st is just around the corner and I couldn’t be happier, Martisor is one of my favorite celebrations and I have so many plans for the upcoming weeks. Yesterday was such a fun day but I’ll tell you more of that in tomorrow’s post.
Today I am showing you the outfit I wore last night at an event. I was dying to wear this powdery pink faux fur coat! Not many people like it but I love it and I feel so happy while wearing it. It’s pink, it’s fluffy, it’s cozy and very warm. It’s perfect! I really want to wear it with every piece of clothing I own but for now, here you have my second choice. First one was this – here.
White pants, a bright pink silk shirt, my beloved metallic sneakers (love, love, love) and a colorful floral scarf to match all the other items and to brighten up the outfit even more.
See you soon, lots of kisses!
PHOTO CREDIT :: Mariana Rosu
Powdery pink faux fur coat :: here
Stradivarius white pants :: similar here, here, here, here, here
H&M pink shirt :: similar here
Bershka metallic sneakers
Floral scarf :: similar here
Vintage bag
H&M pink ring
Ce tinuta frumoasa!
Ai reusit sa inseninezi aceasta zi mohorata! 🙂
Vaai, ce pufosenieee! Adorabila! Pupici
Mada from http://www.signaturebymm.wordpress.com
E foarte draguta haina de blana 🙂
A trecut iarna si nu mi-am luat si eu o pufosenie de-asta frumoasa. Am tot ravnit la ea dar nu stiu ce am așteptat.
Foarte faina tu, imi place tinuta! Pup
Trebuia, trebuia! Eu cand am vazut-o am zis ca trebuie neaprat sa fie a mea! <3
Superba tinuta, mi-a placut de cum te-am vazut cu ea! <3
Ador geaca, e super cute, iar esarfa se potriveste de minune! ^_^
Multumesc frumos, papusica mica! <3
Cat de frumoasa e hainuta! O ador! Iti sta super bine cu ea si imi place la nebunie cum ai asortat-o! <3
Pupici! :*
Multumesc! Si eu o ador!
Pupici! :* :*
Ce outfit luminos!:) Iar incaltarile alea sunt fenomenale! Imi plac atat de mult pantalonii albi, dra nu pot nicicum sa ii port pentru ca sunt un dezastru si inevitabil ma asez intr-un baton de ciocolata sau ceva de genul!:))
Hahahaha, te inteleg!! Si eu ii cam murdaresc mai ales acum ca mereu apare cate o baltica sau cine stie ce maldar de noroi dar na, imi plac preaaa mult mai ales astia ca sunt grosuti si sunt perfecti!
Tinuta asta e ceva de genul: In your face Ruxi, in YOUR FACE! Mwahaha 😀 Stii tu de ce, stii tu! Deci e geniala, de tenisi nu zic nimic ca ma inteapta inima cand ii vad, pantalonii albi sunt foarte misto, am si eu o pereche pe lista, trebuie sa-mi iau unii primavara aceasta, iar hainuta e……foarte, foarte tare, iar in combinatia aceasta e….dragoste pura <3 Imi plac tare mult accentele roz :****
Sigur ca stiu, muhahahaha! In your face, Miss Sparkles, it’s my time to shine! :)))))
Mersi mult de tot, imi plac si mie asa mult pantalonii albi dar cum ii iau eu mereu cand e noroi pe jos.. n-am idee! Bine ca se curata 😀 😀
Foarte draguta si esarfa. Eu am una similara de la “Call it spring”
Mersii. Si mie imi place mult, e una din preferatele mele. Eu am primit-o cadou 😀
Imi plac mult incaltarile! Le-am vazut la Bershka dar nu ma gandeam ca vin asa bine! E super tinuta!
Eu nici nu le-am vazut in magazin. Le-am gasit pe site si am innebunit!:D
Beautiful look sweetie, so springish & lovely!! I love your shoes 🙂
H&M has a similar pair of sneakers and I was thinking of buying a pair, but I am afraid I’m going to just ruin them …. 🙁 great outfit though, love the scarf!
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
I saw them in white too at H&M. I get you, I think the same about those fluffy sweater thst get ruined very easily but they are too pretty, I had to!
Haina fluffy confera tinutei o nota foarte soft&chic! Love it 🙂