Striped sweater / Pulover :: Dresslink | Burgundy office pants / Pantaloni :: |
Hello and welcome back to the blog!
I know I don’t usually wear office appropriate outfits and the reason why is because I don’t own such clothes, I don’t work in an office and I don’t need them. That doesn’t mean I don’t like them, though. So, I decided to pick a few items that are perfect for the office and wore them in a more casual and “me” way.
The first outfit is the one I’m wearing today and I really like. I started from the burgundy office pants that are made from a really nice fabric and I’ve paired them with a basic striped sweater. I am in love with stripes as you may already know, I think they are a must in your wardrobe because you can pair them with almost everything, they are classy and, for me, they give out a french vibe, which is, well, amazing!
I wanted to wear some heels but it’s still freezing outside and I decided to be more realistic and wear a pair of cute booties.
I felt the need to add something cute and remembered last Summer’s passion: the silk vintage scarves tied around the neck. Boy, I can’t hardly wait for the nice weather in order to wear some more, I have so many beautiful ones <3
A pair of over sized, round sunglasses seemed like the perfect choice. I felt they went great with the striped top and the vintage scarf. What do you think?
Hope you’ll like this outfit and you’ll feel inspired!
Kisses and Hugs!
Have a great week-end!
Ce outfit dragut! <3
Imi plac super mult pantalonii, au si o culoare super! :*
Daaa, si mie imi place foarte mult culoarea!
Iti sta super!!! Imi place si se potriveste pentru birou, dar nu numai!
Multumesc frumos!
Asa e!
Foarte reusita si aceasta tinuta ! Fara indoiala, stilul office ti se potriveste. Mi-ar placea sa ne prezinti mai des astfel de outfituri.
Multumesc frumos!
Sigur, voi incerca sa sa va arat mai multe optiuni!
adorable look , the Burgundy pants are amazing!
Thank you so much!
[…] another outfit that could be perfect for the office. I’m really glad you liked the one with the burgundy office pants. This time, I chose a beautiful blue suit that, by the way, is my first one ever! As I’ve […]