Hello! I am back with a casual outfit, one that you could wear on your daily basis but I think it could easily be dressed up by adding a pair o high heels, unbuttoning the shirt a little, adding some minimalist necklaces and by wearing a clutch. Don’t you think?
I chose the day appropriate outfit because I had a lot of things to do that day and go to a lot of places. The piece I started creating this outfit from was the Stradivarius floral shirt . It’s so soft and the print is absolutely gorgeous, I was lucky enough to find it on Kurtmann.ro (here). I wanted to keep the rest of the outfit quite simple so I chose pieces in colors that existed on the shirt’s print. A pair of dark blue high waist jeans and this white Vero Moda blazer were the perfect choices to mix with the shirt.
Because the snow has finally started to go away, I took out my brown suede boots that have some cute little fringes. I love them and I can’t wait to wear them with skirts and dresses!
The outfit needed some more color (you know how much I love colors) so I chose this orange fringes bag that I got from Jadu (here). I also have the one in black but I got a little tired of seeing it everywhere. H&M has a similar one so.. you got the idea!
This vintage fluffy collar was my final touch and I think it looks beautiful with the white blazer and it manages to add a bit of elegance to the outfit.
Of course I had a jacket because it’s still Winter even if the sun is present! My beloved parka was my go-to coat this time and I think it worked well with everything else!
As for the jewelry, I had to wear my new Casio watch! I absolutely love it and I wanted it for so long. I love watches and I have a few but I always wear my silver one, also from Casio. That one is a very masculine and casual one but I wanted something special that could express my vintage, romantic side and my love for everything old. This was the perfect one, I think I’m going to wear all the time now!
Have a nice weekend, enjoy your free time the best you can!
Stradivarius floral shirt c/o Kurtmann.ro (here/ o gasiti aici)
Vero Moda white blazer c/o Kurtmann.ro (similar here / aici)
Delight high waist jeans
Jadu orange fringe bag (here / o gasiti aici)
Fullah Sugah brown suede boots
Vintage collar
Casio vintage look alike watch || Takko & H&M golden rings
Tu cu buclele tale mereu perfecte, hate you :)))))
Imi place foarte, foarte mult tinuta, gulerasul chiar schimba tinuta, pare ca porti un palton, totul arata superb!
Eeee, nici chiar mereu! :)))
You mean little girl! Your name is not inimioara anymore!
Stiu ca ti-am mai zis asta insa cred ca am sa o zic de fiecare data cand vad blugii acestia: sunt bestiali! Blazerul in combinatie cu gulerul de blana arata genial (desi ma cam sperie nitel piciorusele alea, nu-mi dau seama exact ce sut haha :D) Buclele sunt superbe, ce mult ti-a crescut parul! :*
Si mie imi plac mult, Rux!
Haha, si pe mine la inceput dar nu sunt picioruse, doamne fereste! Sunt niste cusaturi facute ca sa para mai naturala, cred, nu stiu ce sa zic 😀
Asa zic si eu cateodata dar alteori pare asa scurt 🙁
Cat de bine arata blazerul cu gulerul de blana, super combinatie 😉
Multumesc frumos!
Minunat look, Julie draga! Imi place foarte mult blanita, care btw pare “foarte” naturala :)). Blazerul am crezut initial ca e palton, dar oricum arata bine de tot. Blugii cu talie inalta sunt preferatii mei, iar culoarea alor tai e foarte frumoasa. Per total, big love! :*:*
Multumesc frumos, Andy!
Nuuu, e destul de subtire, perfect pt primavara-vara.
Mersi si multi pupicei!
You’re photos are awesome ! Like your coat, love it !
Kiss ! Yuyu
Thank you so much!
Iuuuiii cat de frumoasa esti si cat de bine iti sta! Imi place mult tinuta asta!
Cu ce ti-ai facut buclele astea asa frumoase?
Si mai o curiozitate mica, mica, mereu m-am intrebat… oare nu va e frig la gleze, celor care purtati pe timpul asta pantalonii asa? :d hehehe
esti o scumpa, te pup
Multumesc mult!
Cu un ondulator conic de la Philips care e mov si are bagheta aia invelita in catifea 😀 Pro Care…
Pai chiar nu mi-a fost pentru ca a fost cald cand am facut pozele. Eu de obicei sunt foarte friguroasa si chiar port mai multi ciorapei imblaniti dar de data asta a fost chiar bine si mi-am permis sa stau cateva minute bune doar cu bluza de pe dedesbut care e fara maneci si sacoul care e destul de subtire:D
Si eu, ca si Rux, am crezut ca alea sunt niste picioruse si mi se pareau cam creepy. Eu stiu blanita, am mai vazut-o si in alte postari, dar pe bune, arata ca niste picioruse. Mi-ar fi ciudat sa o port. Cel putin primele dati :)))
Si eu am crezut initial ca e palton si cand am citit mi-am dat seama ca e sacoul, dar nu pare deloc subire in poze. Daca nu l-as fi vazut in realitate, as fi crezut ca e super gros.
Imi place mult tinuta, tare draguta! 🙂
Pupicei rozuleti! :*
Foarte frumoasa bluza! Mi se pare greu sa faci printul floral sa mearga pe timp de iarna, dar ti-a iesit de minune. Si gulerasul ala pufos e minunat! De mult imi doresc asa ceva.
oh my oh my, just love the boots!!! you look amazing, dear!! :* perfect look for a busy day in the city!
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Thank you so much, Saci!