Good morning!
Today I woke up really early to edit the photos and post and I have to say even tough it’s very hard woking up early, I love it! There’s something about starting your day at the sime time the light is starting to appear!
For today I’ve prepared an outfit I really like, it’s one of those I like to wear from time to time when I am not in the mood for my feminine and girly style.
Black and white is one of my favorite combinations but I always like to add something more, a touch of color, a print or some accessories. This time I chose a burgundy lipstick, or, better said, a Marsala lipstick because it’s more similar to this new color that is the color of 2015, a really interesting transparent clutch and my snake print wallet.
The outfit was really simple, I wore my new Milanoo white shirt dress that I like a lot, the shape is amazing and I think I can create many outfits with it, my beloved, over used Sheinside faux leather jacket, a pair of faux leggings, also from Milanoo and a big, chunky scarf.
Milanoo white shirt dress (here) || Sheinside black faux leather jacket (here) || Milanoo black leggings (here)
CCC ankle boots
Sheinside transparent clutch (here) || Stradivarius snake print wallet
Melkior mirror || Takko bracelet
By the way, yesterday we (me and the girls from anotherside of me) uploaded out first video on youtube so make sure to check it out here! (it’s the first of many)
Esti superba, Julie! <3. Nici nu stiu ce-mi place mai mult – rochita, rujul sau jacheta :D. :*
Multumesc frumos!
Mie imi plac toate! <3
Love it!
Thank you so much!! <3
Imi place la nebunie outfitul tau1
Jacheta e divina!
V-am vazut si clipul sunteti simpatice si naturale si astept cu nerabdare si alte filmulete! <3
Multumesc frumos!
Si mie imi place mult, e super versatila, am purtat-o in zeci de combinatii 😀
Ne bucuram mult si iti multumim! Si noi de abia asteptam sa mai facem!
Julie, arati ca o papusica 😀 Imi place mult clutch-ul!
Ce frumos este video-ul, sunteti foarte simpatice! Va pup (Mada from Signature by M&M)
Oh, orice as purta, tot ca o papusica arat, trebuie sa ma resemnez :)))
Multumim frumos!!
Pupicei dulcei!
Ce draguta e tinuta! Ma tot uitam unde e marsala pana sa citesc textul si apoi am vazut ca era pe buze :))))
Imi place super mult rochita, e foarte draguta <3
Pupicei! :*
Pai de ce nu citesti mai intai textul? Te-am prins!!!
Multumesc, pupicuti!
Absolut fabuloasa tinuta ta! Imi place la nebunie camasa-rochie, iar rujul si accesoriile sunt lovely! Foarte dragut video-ul de aseara, dupa cum le spuneam si fetelor, acum am impresia ca va cunosc ceva mai bine 🙂 Pupici
Multumesc frumos, Andy!
Hehe, o sa mai facem si o sa ne cunosti si mai bine. Si eu am impresia asta si asta e unul din motivele pentru care mi-am dorit s facem si video pentru ca se poate crea o legatura mai stransa si mai aproape de realitate.
ah, perfect look! Pink is definitely your color, but you can also pull of black perfectly!!! oh and that lipcolor, ohmy ohmy! Did I tell you how much I love the new header??? <3 The fave one, by far!! I am so happy you switched it 😀 kisses :* oh and I forgot about the video, you three girls are so cute!! Hope we will shoot something together also if we visit Bucharest! :*
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Haha, thanks! Maybe because black almost as much as I love pink. If pink woudn’t exist, black would be my color but thank God pink exists, I love it way too much!
No, you didn’t. I love it too. I feel in ove with glittery letters from my Christmas posts and I had to change it, now I am in peace :)))
I would loooove that, maybe you’ll come in Spring! <3
Esti bestiala Julie, abia astept savad si filmuletul de acasa 😀
Mersi, Diana! Sa ne spui parerea ta!
Esti minunata! <3 De vis! E o placere sa-ti urmaresc postarile. Mi-ar placea sa fiu in pielea ta macar pentru o zi. Cat de superbe sunt pozele!
Vreau si eu camera foto ca a ta :(( Ce camera ai? E scumpa? :)))
Te pup cu drag :*
Multumesc frumos!
Hehe, cu siguranta si tu esti la fel de minunata! <3
Nikon D5100 si folosesc obiectivul Sigma 50 mm, f:1.4. Nu e foarte scumpa dar nici ieftina, e o investitie. Poti cauta pe F64 pentru a vedea exact.
E foarte dragut filmul, imi place cum al ales sa combini rochita cu colanti 😉
Multumesc frumos!
Da,m m-am gandit ca asa arata mai bine pentru ca mie mi se pare mai mult o camasa decat o rochie 😀
Sa stii ca si eu ma intrebam la inceputul postarii unde e marsala hahaha :)) Asta pentru ca obisnuiesc sa ma uit la poze si apoi sa citesc textul, dar mi-am dat seama pana la sfarsitul postarii ha! 😀 Nici nu stiu cum sa iti spun in cuvinte cat de mult imi placea camaso-rochia de pe tine, e pur si simplu geniala si impreuna cu jacheta de piele si colabtii OMG! OMG! OMG! Cat despre videoclipuri (pe langa faptul ca va felicit pentru primul vostru videoclip), astept mai multeeeeeeeee! :***
Hahaha :))))
Si mie imi place dar ma asteptam sa fie alt material, poe site arata altfel.. 🙁 credeam ca va sta asa teapana 😀
Vin, vin, sunt pe drum! 😀
Wow, everything looks great! Well done!
Thank yo so much!!
I’ve always loved this rock-chic, edgier side of you, and it may be because you pull it off ever so gracefully <3
The shirt-dress is beautiful and you styled it so on point with the black and the leather! And that beautiful lipstick on your beautiful face=GORGEOUS!
Hugs & kisses, sweetie! :* :*
Thank you so much, sweetie! I love creating these outfits! <3
Lots and lots of kisses!
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