Lace up sweater / Pulover :: Sammydress | Pants / Pantaloni :: similar | Coat / Palton :: similar | Boots / Cizme :: Asos | Bag / Geanta :: similar | Faux fur collar / Guler blana :: Dresslink
Hello, lovelies!
Opposite to Monday’s outfit, today’s one is really comfortable and perfect for a casual Friday. I wore a cute pink lace up sweater, a pair of black, skinny pants and my favorite over the knee boots.
The lace-up trend started a year ago and when I first saw people wearing blouses and dresses and shirts I thought they look so ugly but, as almost every trend that I start by hating, it has grown on me and now here I am wearing a lace up sweater that, I must say, I really, really like. Because it has such a bright, pink color, I decided to pair it with all black even though I love wearing it with khaki, grey or dark denim.
I wore again my pink coat that you’ve already seen in this Christmassy post and chose to accessorize it with a cute white faux fur collar which I think looks so cute and makes a great pair with the cotton candy vibe of the coat.
Hope you’ll like it!
Kisses and hugs!
photo credit ::
Imi place puloverul, voiam si eu sa il comand dar nu eram sigura ca se va aseza bine, acum o sa il comand vazandu-l la tine :*
Dragut! Imi place mult culoarea pulovarului – e extrem de feminin si arata bine!