Blugi / Jeans :: , , | Camasa / Shirt :: , , | | Sandale / Sandals :: | Geanta / Bag :: Six
A venit primavara! Sunt foarte fericita pentru ca astept de multa vreme sa scot la plimbare hainele lejere si, mai ales, sandalele si pantofii decupati!
Imi doream de ceva vreme o pereche de sandale din piele intoarsa (imitatie), cu franjuri si ciucuri si, cand le-am gasit pe astea roz, va puteti imagina ce incantata am fost! <3 Rozul pudrat face parte din culorile mele preferate si am fost norocoasa sa gasesc si o geaca intr-o nuanta similara cu cea a sandalelor. Am tot cautat o geaca/jacheta scurta, care sa vina pana in talie pentru a o putea purta cu pantalonii si fustele cu talie inalta si asta mi se pare foarte potrivita! <3
Pentru a echilibra partea feminina a tinutei : sandalele, geaca si plicul, toate roz, am ales o pereche de blugi boyfriend rupti si o camasa alba, dreapta, pe care nu am bagat-o in pantaloni pentru a da o nota mai relaxata si mai casual.
Sper sa va placa!
Va pup si va imbratisez!
P.S: Nu uitati ca ne putem pe 16-17 aprilie la Chic Bazar – mai multe detalii gasiti aici!
Hello, my lovely ones! Apparently, Spring is here to stay and I couldn’t be more happy about it! As you can see, I was so excited that I even wore sandals! I know they aren’t the most appropriate footwear for Spring but I was so eager to wear them that I couldn’t wait anymore!
I wanted a pair of tassel sandals for a long time and when I found the pink ones, I instantly fell in love! I was lucky enough to find a jacket in a similar color and I knew I as going to pair them both in an outfit.
The pink suede jacket it’s so soft and I love the fact that it’s cropped and I can wear it with high waist skirt or pants. This time, though, I went for a more casual-masculine kind of outfit because I wanted to create a balance between the pink jacket, sandals and bag.
Ripped jeans are some of my favorites and I have found some great options for you that I would love to own! The white shirt is a must in my wardrobe as I always tell you and, if I usually tuck it in the pants, this time I chose to let it out in order to give the outfit a more casual and relaxed feel.
Hope you’ll like it and feel inspired!
Kisses and hugs and see you soon! <3
photo :: anotherside-of-me, edited by me
Ce frumoasa e tinuta! Si cat de mult imi plac fotografiile!
Ador stilul tau vestimentar, esti mereu feminina.
Multumesc mult de tot!!
Ooooooh my Gosh! This is the prettiest thing ever! Such a great outfit, such a pretty girl :)! I adore the sandals and your makeup is flawless! Really perfect!
Thank you so much, sweet Mamalina! <3
Kisses and hugs! <3
Îmi place ținuta dar ce poze frumoasee! Ești ca o bombonica 😀
Multumesc frumos!!
Te pup! <3
Ce taree …. ai trecut deja la sandale. Sunt foarte frumoase. Si eu estept pantofii decupati sau ceva lejer. Ma bucur sa vad la meteo ca anunta ca se incalzeste
Nu am mai avut rabdare 😀 Si euuu, de abia asteptam vremea frumoasa <3
ooooh vai, m-am indragostit de sandalele tale, sunt supeeeerbe
Multumesc! Si mie imi plac foarte mult!
Awesome outfit, lovely! And I have to say I am in love with your make-up look <3 Suits you perfectly.
Thank you so much!