Lately, I am finding myself browsing for mini skirts. Ever since I got my brown quilted one that you liked so much, I kind of fell in love with them again. I do like the A shaped ones more because they’re more flattering and they are so in right now.
I found a few favorites on the web and made some collages for you to see how I would style them. Do you love or hate them?
In ultima vreme ma tot uit dupa fuste mini. De cand am primit-o pe cea maro, care v-a placut si voua, imi doresc cat mai multe, in culori si materiale dferite. Cele in forma A sunt preferatele mele si mai jos am ales cateva favorite si am creat colaje in care va arat cum le-as purta.
Voua va plac sau nu?
Coat / Palton | Skirt / Fusta | Boots / Ghete | Bag / Geanta | Sunglasses / Ochelari | Sweater / Pulover
Really nice looks that you put together!
Foarte dragute tottae tinutele, imi plac mult si clar le-as purta. Dar nu pe gerul asta! 🙁 Sper sa se mai incalzeasca, macar putin ca nu mai pot, nu mai stiu ce cojoace sa mai iau pe mine :)))
Nici eu pe gerul asta dar foarte mult mi-as dori!