This Saturday was a very special day, much awaited by me and much dreamed by others… the wedding of one of my dearest friends. We’ve known each other for almost 7 years and I think we’ve been talking about weddings since the first weeks we’ve met. I can’t believe how fast time flew by and that I’ve been part of her special day. I love weddings, I get very sensitive and emotional seeing the bride, her family and the lucky couple on their important day.
The wedding was great, the decorations were so lovely and the bride was beautiful! The dress was delicate and it looked like it was taken from a fairy tale, the bouquet was full of gorgeous peonies and there were many pink details that have definitely stolen my heart. I wish I had some photos to show you but I’ll definitely share some of them in the future.
I will show you, though, some pictures with my outfit, the one I wore to the church and at the party. I chose a red maxi dress, very simple and I accessorized with a statement necklace. I just thought it would look better this way and I am really happy with the result.
With this wedding being over, I have only two months until my wedding and I am getting both more nervous and more excited than ever!
Kisses and hugs for all of you! <3
Shein red maxi dress :: here || Zara statement necklace :: here || Dorina‘s Mno.logie clutch || Blanco sandals || Primark bracelet
photo credit ::
You will be a fabulous bride! <3
I'm so glad that I was with you at Deea's wedding, I love it, even though we didn't dance Brasoveanca :)))))))))
I loved the bride, the dress, the decorations and everything was so special.
I'm sure your wedding will be fab, too.
Good thing you remember you refused my invitation to dance! At my wedding, you will have to dance brasoveanca, hora and sarba! Sweet revenge!
I loved them too, it was a gorgeous one, so lucky we’ve been a part of everything! <3
I'm sure it will be only by looking at my beautiful bridesmaids! <3
Love you, sweetie pie!
such a wonderful dress! you looked amaziiiing <3
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Thank you so much!
What a magical look, beautiful!
Thank you!
Diva <3
Wow !! Rochia e superba, iti vine de minune 🙂 Imi plac de asemenea si parul si machiajul foarte mult 🙂
Abia astept sa vad poze cu tine mireasa, sunt sigura ca o sa arati minunat !
Te pup :*
Multumesc mult de tot!!!
Oh, si eu de abia astept, chiar nu mai am rabdare!! <
Esti minunata, Julie! Arati superb in rosu, rochia a fost o alegere perfecta pentru eveniment! Am vazut-o si pe Andreea in ziua ei cea mare, a fost delicata si frumoasa! E frumos sa fii alaturi de prieteni in momente asa importante! Si eu ma emotionez de fiecare data! Chiar in weekend-ul acesta vom merge la nunta unor buni prieteni si mi se umple inima de emotie doar cand ma gandesc la asta!
Te pup cu drag!
Multumesc mult de tot!
Daa, a fost foarte frumoasa si delicata si ma bucur mult ca am putut face parte din ziua ei fericita si deosebita!
Ce frumos!
Te pup si eu cu mare drag!!