It seems Summer is officially here with its high temperatures, its vacations, long and sunny days. The wedding season has also arrived and I’m getting more emotional as each day passes by and every new wedding approaches. I can’t help but think at our wedding, I keep imagining how it will be, how are we going to feel, how are we going to look and what will life be after that big day. There are so many things to do and it’s not that I don’t have the time but I get nervous only by thinking at all there is to be done. I try to keep my calm and take everything as it goes. I am the kind of person that tends to procrastinate a lot and now I find it so difficult to take care of things that will happen months from now, I usually get things done at the last moment and, usually, everything turns ok but apparently, now it’s not the case!
My task for the moment is to find the perfect, most comfortable, cutest pair of shoes/sandals and it seems like an impossible mission. I used to see so many gorgeous shoes and now it seems they have all disappeared. So, please, if you happen to know where I could find the shoesies, let me know! <3
And because we’re talking about weddings, I am becoming such an ivory lover! I used to love this color but now it seems I would only buy and wear ivory dresses, I just feel amazing while wearing them, they make for the perfect summerish and feminine look!
I have found this Stradivarius white dress and I absolutely fell in love with it! I was lucky enough to find it on sale, its original price was about 50 euros and now it’s 32 lei, that’s an amazing bargain! I knew from the first moment I was going to wear it with my H&M straw hat that I’ve been wanting to get for about 2 years! I wanted the smaller version but I have found this one and I declared myself lucky enough, I love, love it and, let’s face it, hats are amazing! They can transform the simplest of outfit into a gorgeous one if you know how to pair it in a right way!
White dress, straw hat, golden jewelry, vintage inspired nude sandals and a heart shaped clutch = my recipe for a perfect Summer outfit!
Talk to you seen, my pretty ones!
Stradivarius white dress c/o Brand Circus || Zara beige sandals || H&M straw hat (similar here)|| Pull and Bear heart shaped clutch || H&M heart ring || Primark golden bracelet || Casio vintage watch
The dress is absolutely adorable & hats suit you so well!
Thank you so much!
Ce loc superb, Julie, iar outfitul tau este de vis! Imi imaginez cate emotii ai pentru ziua cea mare, dar sigur va fi o zi perfecta! Te pup
Daa, este foarte, foarte frumos locul!
Asa e, am mari emotii! Vei vedea si tu cum e!
Aveam si eu aceleasi trairi inainte de nunta, imi aduc aminte perfect! Nu pot sa-ti spun sa nu ai emotii, sau sa nu fii agitata, pentru ca nu se va intampla asta :). Iti spun numai atat: oameni frumosi si dragi, familie, prieteni- deci totul va fi bine :)!
Eu mi-am luat pantofii de la Sepala, au fost un model bridal care se potrivea cu stilul rochiei mele. Insa din punct de vedere confort si-au indeplinit scopul. Faptul ca i-am putut purta toata noaptea a fost dovada (eu port extrem de rar tocuri). Multa bafta cu cautarile!
Despre postarea de azi: locatia este superba, am fost si eu acolo si acum mi-ai facut pofta de locul asta minunat si vreau sa merg din nou pentru poze! Tinuta e frumoasa tare, palaria m-a cucerit, si intreaga combinatie este foarte potrivita pentru zilele de vara.
Te pup cu drag, bride to be!
Asa ma gandesc si eu, ca nu se poate intampla nimic grav si ca orice ar fi nu ar putea sa-mi strice bucuria. Totusi, nu pot sa nu ma stresez si sa nu fiu agitata :))
Ti-am vazut pantofii si sunt absolut superbi dar pentru rochia mea as avea nevoie de altceva. In plus, eu nu sunt nici foarte inalta si mi-as dori ceva care sa ma faca putin mai inalta 😀
Trebuie neaparat sa mergi, imi imaginez deja ce poze superbe ati face! <3
Te pup si eu cu mare drag!
Goodness, this location is gorgeous!! Where is it ? 😀 I’m so curious.
The hat is reaaaallly lovely and Iove the way it goes with the dress 😀
So pretty!
Yeees, it is! It’s the Stavropoleos Monastery, it’s next to Caru cu bere and very close to the place we took the photos when we met!
Thank you so, so much!
just love this look and oh my, the location is just magical!! 🙂 as for the comfy heels, have you tried Guess? I have a pair of Guess by Marciano heels and they are kind of comfortable and have at least 14 cm. I am pretty sure they have some white/ivory heels also! Kisses :*
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Thank you!
No, I haven’t! I guess I have an opinion about their brand and I don’t really like it. I decided I’ll make a custom pair, exactly as I want them! Thank you so much for the advice, though!