Spring is playing with us, one day allowing us to wear a thin jacket and the other a beanie, a fluffy scarf and our old, comfy parka. I am tired of playing this game, it’s not only frustrating but right now I am stuck with a cold and I hate it!
What to do? Search for pretty dresses and dreaming about wearing them sounded nice so I got to it! I made a selection with a few of my favorite ones and the good news is, you can buy one and get another 50% off, find here the promotion!
Which one is your favorite?
Se pare ca anul acesta primavara e foarte jucausa si nu se poate decide asupra unei “personalitati”. Din cauza asta, m-am ales cu o raceala deloc dorita si m-am apucat sa caut rochii dragute si sa imi imaginez tinute cu ele!
Mai jos va arat preferatele mele si vestea buna este ca daca va cumparati una, pe a doua o luati la -50%! Gasiti aici promotia!
Va pup si va doresc o seara minunata!
1 – here / aici
2 – here / aici
3 – here / aici
1 – here / aici
2 – here / aici
3 – here/ aici
Ne place selectia ta de rochii!!
♥ FASHION-SPIKE.blogspot.com ♥
Ma bucur!
Love them all, although if I’d have to pick just one I would go with the minty maxi, or perhaps with the cobalt blue mini ^_^ I just wore a dress over the weekend (only for photos because it’s way too cold still) and it felt so amazing, can’t wait for crazy/beautiful weather.
Get well soon, sweety! Hugs & kisses! :* <3 <3 <3
Me too and the dusty pink one, I love its simplicity!
I cannot wait to see the post, the preview photo was speechless! <3
Ce super sunt toate! <3
Sad to hear that you're sick! 🙁
Insanatosire grabnica! :*
Multumesc! Ma simt deja mai bine, m-am doctoricit repede 😀 😀
Like the red one 🙂
Maria V.