fashion, wishlist


August 28, 2014
Hello, girls!
I decided to make a new category on the blog where I’ll show you every other week some things I like and I wish for.
This week, I made a selection of beautiful clothes and some bags from Tidestore. I made three collage with the pieces I loved from the store, in three of the colors I like most right now.
Am hotarat sa inaugurez o noua categorie pe blog in care sa va arat anumite haine sau accesorii care imi plac in momentul respectiv si pe care mi le doresc.
Saptamana asta am facut o selectie de pe magazinul online Tidestore, am realizat 3 colaje cu lucruri care imi plac foarte mult si le-am organizat in functie de culori, ador aceste 3 culori, adica 2 culori si o nonculoare.
So, let’s start with this amazing yellow-mustard color, I absolutely love it, I already own a skirt and a cardigan but I so want at least one of the pieces below, especially a bag, it would be perfect for the upcoming season, don’t you think?
Sa incepem cu aceasta culoare minunata, galben-mustar, eu o ador, am deja o fusta si un cardigan dar imi doresc macar unul din articolele de mai jos, in special geanta, ar fi perfecta pentru toamna care ne bate la usa, nu credeti? <3

Black, oh black, it’s my second favorite “color” but it’s always my first choice when it comes to choose something to wear, I could wear it everyday for the rest of my life, it’s too amazing and paired with the right accessories, it can’t make you go wrong.
I chose these three pieces, two amazing dresses, a little black dress that everyone should own, a cute little heart printed one that I find perfect for going on a date and a little bag that I think it’s the cutest thing ever. I know, I know, it’s a Celine replica, so what? I love it anyway!
Oh, negru, e pe locul doi in topul culorilor preferate, dupa roz dar e intotdeauna prima alegere cand vine vorba la imbracaminte. As putea sa port negru in fiecare zi pentru tot restul vietii, adaugand diverse accesorii si sunt sigura ca nu m-ar dezamgi niciodata.
Am ales aceste 3 piese super dragute, mica rochita neagra care nu trebuie sa lipseasca din garderoba nimanui, o alta rochita imprimata cu inimioare care mi se pare perfecta pentru o intalnire si o geanta super mica de care avem nevoie mai mereu, mai ales cand vrem sa iesim undeva seara si avem nevoie doar de telefon si de un ruj. Stiu, stiu, e o replica. Si ce? Mie tot imi place foarte mult!

And last but not least, I chose these three cute items that are not the same color but they go so well together.
I already have an amazing outfit in mind: that awesome top paired with a pair of skinny jeans and that bag that would be the perfect accessory.
I ultimul rand, am ales cateva piese care nu au o culoare clar definita dar cu siguranta se potrivesc de minune, bej-roz pudrat si o geanta intr-o culoare vibranta.
Cat de frumos ar arata bluza pastel in combinatie cu o pereche de blugi skinny si gentuta care clar i-ar acorda tinutei acel ceva?



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  • Reply cris August 28, 2014 at 11:30 AM

    Ce alegeri frumoase!
    si eu ador nuanta aia de mustar, iar geanta aia arata atat de bine! <3

  • Reply Dorina August 29, 2014 at 9:05 PM

    Cat de frumoase sunt! Pe toate le-as vrea! :))) Imi plac tare mult, in special gentutele 🙂

  • Reply Clark March 15, 2017 at 8:12 AM

    Very nice blog , Amazing black Dress , love it <3
    Asymmetrical Faux Leather Moto Jacket

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