fashion, outfits

One of those March days

March 18, 2015

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” – Charles Dickens

This phrase is describing perfectly the day I shot these photos, perfectly! I thought I was going to freeze in some place but when I found this spot where the sun was present, I was the happiest and I felt amazing and not cold at all!

What can I say about the outfit except I love it? I really do, I adore using colors when styling my outfits ad I think you ave already noticed it. Colors change me completely and I can only smile ad feel happy while wearing them.

I started creating this outfit from the beautiful midi mustard skirt, that at first wasn’t really liked by me, but now that I have wore it, I can sincerely say: I love it! I didn’t like the fabric but I had no idea it will feel so good and be so comfy. I love pairing vibrant colors with stripes so it came natural to mix it with the beautiful striped blouse, both so feminine and delicate, pure love! The white blazer seemed to be the best company for the blouse and skirt, along with the nude heels and the golden jewelry.

I felt the need for something more and I think the cute pink bag fits perfect into the scenery along with the pink lipstick.

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (5)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (2)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (6)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (3)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (9)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (1)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (4)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (15)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (14)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (13)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (12)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (11)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (8)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (11)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (18)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (16)

Stradivarius-midi-mustard-skirt-bershka-striped-blouse-white-blazer-pink-bag-outfit (17)

PHOTO CREDIT :: Mariana Rosu


Bershka striped blouse c/oKurtmann  :: aici/here

Stradivarius midi mustard skirt c/o Brand Circus  :: aici/here

Vila white blazer  :: similar here

Pink bag  :: similar aici/here

Zara nude heels

Zara crystal chocker necklace  ::similar aici/here || Pandora bangle || Primark bracelet

Casio vintage watch

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” – Charles Dickens

Această frază descrie perfect ziua în care am făcut aceste fotografii, perfect! Am crezut că voi îngheța când am ieșit din casă dar dar când am găsit acest loc unde soarele strălucea atât de frumos, am fost cea mai fericită și frigul nu mai era așa rău!

Ce vă pot spune despre ținuta de azi este că îmi place foarte mult! Ador să folosesc culori, atunci când creez ținute dar cred că deja ați observat. Culorile reușesc să-mi schimbe dispoziția și nu pot decât să fiu veselă atunci când le port.

Am pornit de la frumoasa fustă midi muștar care la început nu a fost deloc pe placul meu din cauza materialului dar, după ce am purtat-o, mi-am schimbat complet părerea, un credeam că va fi așa plăcută și confortabilă. Îmi place mult asocierea culorilor vibrante cu imprimeu dungat așa că venit firesc să port fusta cu o bluză în dungi. Ambele sunt feminine și delicate, așa că au făcut echipă bună! Sacoul alb a fost cea mai bună companie pentru bluză și fusta, împreună cu pantofii camel și bijuteriile aurii.

Am simțit nevoia unei alte pete de culoare și cred că geanta roz se potriveste perfect în peisaj împreună cu rujul roz.



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  • Reply Mamalina March 18, 2015 at 6:49 PM

    Oh, I love the colors and I absolutely adore the whole combination! I could totally see myself wearing this combo! You’re such an inspiration!!! Amazing photos and gorgeous makeup, my dear!



    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:04 PM

      Thank you, my dear Mamalina! I can totally see you wearing this! I bet you’ll look amazing <3 I think the make-up would look great on you too but with a nude lipstick!

      Kisses and hugs!!! <3

  • Reply Dorina March 18, 2015 at 7:46 PM

    E superba fusta, imi place mult de tot si mi-as dori-o si eu 🙂
    Imi place cum ai combinat-o si pozele sunt foarte frumoase!
    Te pup! :*

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:04 PM

      Sper sa o gasesti, chiar e, nu stiu cum de m-am indoit de ea, e prea draguta! <3


  • Reply Andy March 18, 2015 at 9:18 PM

    Super pretty, my dear!! Imi place foarte mult combinatia cromatica a intregii tinute, iar bluzita e adorabila! Sa stii ca ti-am urmarit toate postarile de departe, doar ca nu am apucat sa mai las si commenturi 🙂

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:05 PM

      Multumesc, sweeetie!! Si eu te-am urmarit de departe si planuiesc sa rasfoiesc iar fiecare postare! <3


  • Reply Saci March 18, 2015 at 11:02 PM

    vaaai ce frumoasa e fustita, arata super cu roz 🙂 sii bratara Pandora e <3 <3 <3
    te pup! :*

    ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:06 PM

      Hihi, totul arata super cu roz la mine! 😀
      Daaa, este foarte pretty <3 <3

  • Reply Fashionable Streets March 18, 2015 at 11:49 PM

    Fusta face totul, e vedeta si pantofii o sustin 😀

  • Reply Signature by M&M March 19, 2015 at 9:01 AM

    Ce zi frumoasa de poze, pare primăvară adevarata! E foarte draguta fusta, îți vine super! Am și eu aceeași bluzița și îmi place tare mult! Pupici
    Mada from

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:07 PM

      Daaa, chiar a fost o zi superba desi nu era asa cald precum pare 🙁

      Am vazuuut, e foarte draguta, imi place mult!

  • Reply Ruxandra March 19, 2015 at 10:21 AM

    Ce frumos e citatul, ce frumoasa esti tu, ce frumoasa e tinuta! <3 Iubesc galbenul mustar, iar tie ti se potriveste perfect aceasta culoare, imi place detaliul roz si nu-mi vine sa cred cat de bine arata bluzita cu dungi in aceasta combinatie! Trebuie sa-mi gasesc si eu o fustita cu acest croi, se aseaza foarte frumos! Te pup :*

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:10 PM

      Chiar este special! <3

      De multa vreme voiam sa port o combinatie asa, am mai purtat dungi cu roz dar imi doream sa le port cu o culoare puternica! <3

      Oh, cred ca ti-ar sta super, la picioare lungi arata si mai bine! <3


  • Reply Bookish Style March 19, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    Foarte frumoasa combinatia!

  • Reply miss z March 23, 2015 at 10:24 AM

    Parca esti o zana! Pe tine te prinde orice! Pupici 🙂

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:07 PM

      Eeeeee, as vrea sa fi fost o zana, de ce sa nu recunosc? 😀

      Te pupicesc!

  • Reply Oteea March 23, 2015 at 9:32 PM

    Loving you style as much as I do, makes it hard for me to say things like “this is my favorite outfit of yours” even when I super-duper-absolutely-adore it, just because each and every one is so special, for so many different reasons. So, I’m just going to say that you look extraordinarily beautiful in these absolutely perfect outfit <3 <3 <3

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog March 24, 2015 at 3:09 PM

      Ohh, thank you so much, my sweet Oteea! It makes me so happy reading your always lovely thoughts, I know they’re sincere and I cherish them a lot!

  • Reply Cata March 24, 2015 at 10:33 AM

    O tinuta in ton cu primavara <3! Foarte frumoasa combinatia!
    p.s. pentru modele de gentute cu personalitate

  • Reply Shop my closet – Pink Wish December 3, 2015 at 12:21 PM

    […] Bluza Bershka – purtata o singura data – marimea M – 50 lei – mai multe poze aici. […]

  • Reply Daniela February 10, 2017 at 5:04 AM

    Beautiful outfit!

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