fashion, outfits


October 22, 2014
Good morning, girls!
There are some days when I wake up and I want to do, eat or wear something different. Well, this outfit was taken on a day like the one described. I wanted to wear something else, something that will make me feel more powerful and confident. There is something that always makes me feel like that and that something is the color black! A jacket, a pair of black jeans or a pair of black heels, it doesn’t matter, make it black and I will love it!
This jacket was on my wishlist from some months now but I couldn’t get it because, well, it was Summer! Finally, I had the pleasure to wear it and, oh, how I loved it! I’ve always wanted a coat with this shape, a cocoon one, I think it’s called. Quilted, leather look alike, loose and black? It has everything I love!
I kept the outfit really simple and I didn’t add any color, not even on my lips. Grey is another one of my favorites so I mixed it with its big brother, Mr Black.
Oh, about the location, I kind of became obsessed with it, I love the old buildings, the graffiti and the street. I will definitely go back and shoot there!
Hope you’ll like it and you’ll feel inspired!
Also, I am gad that you managed to find some clothes from my closet, at the end of the week I’ll add more!



Blouse/Bluza: Lefties | Skirt/Fusta: Bershka | Palton/Front Row Shop Quilted Leather look coat (find it here/il gasiti aici) | Shoes/Pantofi: Zara





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  • Reply Diana Catanoaia October 22, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    Iubesc combinatia asta sticloasa de griuri si metalic <3
    Pantofii sunt superbi, dar mantoul e senzational!!

    Te pup Julie!!

  • Reply Miu Miu October 22, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    Ce frumos iti sta cu parul drept, Julie. Imi place mult.

  • Reply Andy October 22, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    That coat is perfection! You look wonderful, as usual 🙂 kisses

  • Reply Anca Frăţilă October 22, 2014 at 2:21 PM

    Esti superba! Nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu comentez de fiecare data cand postezi! Imi plac tinutele elegante ca cele de azi! Te pup

  • Reply Pink Lipstick October 22, 2014 at 8:48 PM

    I love the coat 😀

  • Reply Avellia Anwar October 24, 2014 at 4:49 AM

    great outer

    visit mine,
    Miss Aa

  • Reply Ruxandra October 24, 2014 at 11:12 AM

    Banuiesc ca stii deja iubirea mea pentru gri <3 Paltonul e absolut deosibit, nu l-am vazut pana acum pe site si nici nu-mi amintesc sa mai fi vazut un astfel de model pe undeva, imi place tare mult si iti vine tare bine <3 Si pantofiiiiiiii, pantofii sunt atat de frumosi, nu cred ca am vazut paca acum incaltaminte de la Zara care sa nu-mi placa, sunt superbi! :*

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