Hello, lovely people!
As you may already know, on February 14, people celebrate Valentine’s Day! I don’t celebrate it because I don’t believe in having only one day to express your love and feeling. However, I am in love and I am a romantic, I dream of fairy tales and my head is full of pink hearts. I decided to make this week a pretty one, full of ideas for Valentine’s Day or any day that you feel like celebrating with your loved one! So, I’m beginning with some items I would love to wear on a date, romantic, girly and feminine clothes and accessories!
2 – Pale pink skirt with grey roses – here
3 – Silver metallic heels – here
4 – Pleated pink and grey dress – here
1 – Red dress – here
3 – Red heels – here
What is your favorite one?
Here you have a great promotion if you’re interested in buying something special! <3
Si eu am postat sambata fustita asta intr-un colaj, parca e perfecta pentru un look asa boem, romantic, asa i :D?
Te pup, sweetie.
Daaaa, e super, super frumoasa! As vrea-o dar inca e cam frigut pt ea 🙁
O, doamne! Cum ar putea cineva sa aleaga doar una dintre tinutele alea? E imposibil :X:X. Cred ca ar trebui sa fie mai multe zile de Valentine`s ca sa fie scoase la plimbare toate :D.
Cori from Signature by M&M
Hahaha, asa e! Eu deja mi-am pua cateva din hainutele astea pe wishlist! 😀
Ador rochia roz din primul colaj si fustita din al doilea..Desigur, pantofii din ambele! mie imi place valentine’s in sensul in care e doar o alta zi sa ne aratam iubirea, oricum o facem zilnic…dar cei care o folosesc ca singura zi din an sa isi arate iubirea…triist! 🙁 Pupici!
Si eu o ador, eu o am pe cea bleu si imi place la nebunie desi nu poate fi purtata singura dar mereu gasesc sa o iau cu altceva si arata super!
Asa e dar totusi nu cred ca oamenii isi arata iubirea doar pe 14 februarie, doar ca acum sunt mai dispusi sa cumpere cadouri si sa o arate si din punct de vedere material.
ah, I hate Valentine’s Day. It reminds me how lonely I am :)) but thank God for 50 shades of Grey this year :)) kisses :*
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
Oh, don’t say that! I don’t hate it, I just don’t care about it!
Ce draguuuuut <3 Love edition! 😀 Nu pot sa aleg, sa nu ma pui te rog haha :)) Pe prima as purta-o ziua si pe a doua seara, ca sa nu se supere niciun dintre ele 😀 :***