Late Sunday night and I find myself dreaming of pastels, floral prints and white. I am so excited that Spring will be here soon and the trees will start blooming, hyacinths, tulips and peonies will be everywhere and many beautfiul events will take place.
Until then, you can dream with me about these pretty items!
1 – Pink coat –> here
2 – Pink clutch –> here
3 – White eyelashes shirt –> here
4 – Floral midi skirt –> here
5 – Mint statement necklace –> here
6 – White ripped pants –> here
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Toate sunt asa de dragute…Hai cu primavara aia, ca mi-e asa dor de paltonase, pantofiori oxford, culori pastel…Yumm!
Exaaaact, hai, hai, hai, nu mai am deloc rabdare!
Doamne cat de cute e paltonul!!!!! <3 Declar oficial ca sunt obsedata de paltoane, am nevoie in viata de unul roz si unul bleu, cu prima ocazie imi cumparul unul in una dintre aceste doua culori 😀 :*
Nu-i asaaa? Il vreau, vreau, vreau!! 😀
Ce frumos e paltonul! <3 <3 <3
Daaaa, e o dulceata!
Fustaaaaa <3 O.O