Wearing: Blouse: H&M | Pants: H&M | Jacket: Bershka | Boots: Bershka | Faux fur collar: Vintage | Bag: no name
Hello girls!
I was thinking about doing a post with some Christmas photos but I guess you are already bored of seeing so many trees, foods and gifts. I hope you enjoyed this time with your dear ones and you received a lot of gifts from Santa.
I love this time of year even though it’s not as special as it was when I was a little girl but I had a lot of fun and I am very thankful for the gifts I received!
Now we’re back in the real world waiting for New Years. Until then, I prepared a new post. I shot these photos on a very foggy and cold day and I have to admit that I was freezing. I had another coat but I took it off for the shooting.
Tomorrow I am going on a little trip to the mountains and I really hope it will snow because Winter without snow it’s just a cold and ugly season.
See you soon with another post!
Oh and the fur it’s not real!
Buna fetelor!
Ma gandeam sa fac o postare cu poze de la Craciun dar m-am gandit ca deja toata lumea s-a plictisit sa vada poze cu brazi, mancare specifica si cadouri. Sper ca ati petrecut frumos alaturi de cei dragi si ca ati primit multe cadouri de la Mosulica.
Ador aceasta perioada a anului desi nu mi se mai pare la fel de deosebita ca atunci cand eram micuta. Cu toate astea, a fost o zi frumoasa si sunt recunoscatoare pentru toate cadourile primite.
Acum am revenit in lumea reala, asteptand Anul Nou care pentru mine nu e o zi asa deosebita, as prefera sa nu fac nimic special pentru ca e doar o alta zi ca oricare alta.
Pentru astazi am pregatit o postare obisnuita. Am facut pozele intr-o zi foarte friguroasa si cetoasa si trebuie sa recunosc ca am inghetat. Evident ca mai aveam o haina pe care am dat-o jos pentru poze.
Maine o sa plec intr-o mica excursie la munte si sper din tot sufletul sa ninga pentru ca dupa parerea mea iarna fara ninsoare e doar un anotimp rece si urat.
Ah si blanita nu este adevarata!

ador geanta!! 🙂
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!
Ador botinele si geanta 😡
este o tinuta care te reprezinta si (desi ma repet) esti fff frumoasa.
asteptam poze de la munte. poopicei
Real fur? 😐
Nooooo, it’s just made to look like two heads but it’s fake. I would never wear real fur.
Everything looks lovely!:X:X:X
Minunate botine! Intreaga tinuta e asa frumoasa! Distractie placuta la munte! Sa iti aduca noul an tot ce iti doresti!
Te imbratisez cu drag!
Great photos! 🙂
Fashion As I Love It by Dana Oprea
Great photos! 🙂
Fashion As I Love It by Dana Oprea
Botinele si geanta sunt superbe <3
Lovely outfit!
Esti superba! Distractie placuta in vacanta!:)
Superba tinuta! ador blanita si botinele 🙂