VipME red wool coat | Sammydress blouse | | | | Cdiem necklace
Hello, my lovely ones and welcome to the first post of 2017!
Firstly, I want to wish you an amazing year, filled with magical moments, much love and strength to accomplish everything you can imagine! As for my resolutions, I only wish to be more courageous and believe more in myself, that’s the thing I lack and need most in order to achieve everything I want besides what I already have and am so thankful for: my amazing family ♥
For the first outfit post of the year, I thought I’ll be wearing something red-ish to keep up with the New Years tradition ( actually, I don’t believe in these superstitions but I really like this red wool coat and I couldn’t wait to wear it, haha)
The red wool coat is from VipMe and it has a great quality, besides the gorgeous color. It has an antique vibe, I felt like I was wearing one of my mum’s old coats that I admired so much when I was little, I really like it and even thought its length is not so appropriate for my height, I really don’t care anymore, I like it, I feel great in it and that’s all that matters! You can use code PinkWish341 to get $5 off on orders over $50 at
Underneath, I wore the most beautiful polka dots blouse with big bell sleeves that has me crazy about it and my beloved, old mini black skirt that you’ve already seen endless times. This skirt is such a statement in my wardrobe, I love it!
Hope you’ll like it and feel inspired!
Lots of kisses!
Buna si bine ati revenit pe blog pentru primul articol din 2017!
Inainte de toate, vreau sa va doresc un an minunat, plin de momente magice si de putere pentru a va indeplini tot ceea ce va puteti imagina! Anul asta nu mi-am facut o lista cu rezolutii, imi doresc doar sa fiu mai curajoasa si sa cred mai mult in mine, e tot ceea ce am nevoie pentru a-mi putea indeplini toate dorintele.
Pentru ca nu am purtat rosu de Anul Nou ( nu ca as crede in astfel de supersititii), am hotarat sa il port in prima tinuta postata anul acesta. De abia asteptam sa scot la plimbare paltonul rosu pe care l-am primit chiar inainte sa plec in vacanta. Imi place enorm culoarea lui dar si material din care este confectionat. Toate elementele lui caracteristice il fac sa para o piese veche, foarte asemanatoare cu paltoanele mamei mele de pe care le admiram si pe care voiam enorm sa le port atunci cand eram mica.
Pentru ca a fost o zi foarte frumoasa, si nu a fost cine stie ce frig, am indraznit sa port o fusta scurta (fusta mea preferata la care nu as renunta vreodata) si o bluza absolut minunata care m-a cucerit din prima, are buline, e din voal si, cel mai important, are manecile super evazate, trend de care nu vreau sa ma despart prea curand.
Sper sa va placa si sa va inspire!
Palton :: VipME | Bluza :: Sammydress | | | | Lantisor bradut :: Cdiem
photo ::
La multi ani, Julie!
Arati foarte bine, iar pozele sunt minunate! Imi place tare mult tinuta, absolut toate piesele vestimentare alese sunt minunate!
La multi ani!
Multumesc mult de tot!
Nu stiu ce imi place mai mult dintre palton si bluzita, ambele sunt superbe! <3
Imi place super mult tinuta, ti se potriveste de minune! :*
Mi-a zis Dorina ca o sa-ti placa foarte mult bluzita:D
Multumesc mult de tot! Te pupacesc! <3
OMG that blouse is a work of art!!! And you look so beautiful, it blows my mind! How r u even real???? You look like a real life doll, my Gosh!
Have a wonderful year! Thank you so much for inspiring me and for being so sweet and humble! I really hope we’ll be able to get together really soon for a cup of tea! Let’s make this happen!!!
I know, riiight? I love it so much!
I wish you a wonderful year too, thank you so much for all your comments and love, you are an amazing person! I hope that too, we must see each other~
Kisses and hugs! <3
Doamne esti papusa vie,super adorabila ! nu stiu ce imi place mai mult la tinuta asta <3 si in general ai un stil superb !!
Apreciez !
te pup cu drag <3
Multumesc frumos, Oana! Esti mereu o draguta!
Si eu te pup! <3
Lovely coat ! The whole look is to die for!
Era frumoasa tinuta cu paltonul, dar cand ai pozat fara, mi-a placut si mai mult! Cum ziceam, mereu ma surprinzi! Iti doresc un an plin de impliniri, iubire si liniste sufleteasca…si sa nu uitam de muuulte postari pe blog. Pupici!
Hehe, si mie, trebuie sa recunosc! Am avut mare noroc ca nu a fost foarte frig pentru ca, altfel, nu e o tinuta prea potrivita pentru iarna 😀
Multumesc mult de tot, sper sa reusesc sa fiu mai activa insa nu pot promite!
Te pup si te imbratisez! <3