fashion, outfits


July 28, 2014
Wearing: Top/Maiou: Pull and Bear | Shorts/Blugi scurti: handmade (similar here/aici) | Bag/Geanta: random | Sneakers/Tenisi: Tino Gonzalez | Ring/Inel: Six | Watch/Ceas: Casio | Bracelets/Bratari: handmade |

Just a quick post for today because I have no inspiration, I think the weather got to me and I feel so tired and in the mood to not do a thing. I need to find the strength to work more.
Well, I took these photos on a very hot day and as you’ll see, they are just a few because I just couldn’t stand the heat, I felt like I was melting.
I think you remember these shorts because a lot of you really liked them. The ones I’m wearing here have the exactly same story, the difference being the design I chose for them. I wanted a pair of heart printed shorts for a long time and because I couldn’t find a pair, I decided to make one and I love them so much!
A basic top, some comfortable sneakers, a pretty bag and a nice necklace was everything that I needed!
What do you wear in order to survive this weather?

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  • Reply Kinga Sarolta Kavasi July 28, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    Only a few photos? I think 9 is pretty enough for an outfit post, more photos are just boring. Anyway, love this look, especially the shorts! kisses 🙂

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  • Reply Julie Pink July 28, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    Haha, 9 out of 12. I usually have a lot of photos and it’s hard to choose. I like seeing and posting more pictures, maybe it’s just a personal preference:D I never tought I’m boring people with too many of them.


  • Reply dorinag July 28, 2014 at 4:40 PM

    Si mie mi se par putine. Mie imi plac multe si la mine si la altii. Ador pozele :))))
    E super cute tinuta. De unde ai lanticul? Imi place mult.
    Gentuta aia e dragalasenia intruchipata, o ador <3
    Si mie imi placeau mult jeansii scurti cu inimioare acum un an, dar tot asa nu am gasit nici unii draguti si larguti asa cum sunt ai tai, gaseam numai modele dintr-alea de ti se vedea fundul si erau si stramte :)))

    Aaa, si ca sa raspund la intrebare: prefer maieu+fusta sau rochie si sandale. Eu nu suport balerinii, pantofii sau tenisii vara. Simt ca ma coc. Nu port decat sandale, uneori chiar si cand ploua 😛

  • Reply Caterina July 28, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Esti absolut adorabila! Iar detaliile tinutei sunt de mare efect! 😡

  • Reply Diana Catanoaia July 28, 2014 at 6:00 PM

    Cat de frumosi sunt pantalonii, imi plac la nebunie accesoriile… pandativul, geanta, esti superba <3 Pupicei!!!

  • Reply Dana Oprea July 28, 2014 at 7:09 PM

    Uuu, ador gentuta, super!! 😀

    Fashion As I Love It by Dana Oprea

  • Reply cris July 28, 2014 at 7:18 PM

    Iiiii, inimioara mica si frumoasa <3
    Imi place mult tinuta, e pe gustul meu :*

  • Reply Xcentrica byDeeaCodrea July 28, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    Ce pantalonasi draguti, perfecti pentru tine. Geanta e superba <3 Esti o dulcica, like always, pupici!

  • Reply Mamalina July 29, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    Ceeee pantaloni frumosi! Ce copil talentat :)! Minunat look, perfect pentru zilele calduroase!

    Te pup!


  • Reply Ruxandra July 30, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    OMG OMG OMG! This outfit is perfection!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Am vazut si eu tutorial pe Youtube pentru inimioare, dar eu sunt prea lenesa sa fac asa ceva si nici nu-s foarte talentata si imi e ca inimioarele mele ar arata trist hahahaha =))) Ca sa fac fata caldurii, incerc sa port haine in culori cat mai deschise si materiale cat mai vaporoase care sa lase pielea sa respire, dar chiar si asa in marea majoritate a timpului mor de cald :/ :*

  • Reply Julie Pink July 30, 2014 at 6:15 PM

    Off, te inteleg perfect! Simt ca ma topesc cateodata indiferent de ce haine port, de asta prefer eu primavara <3 <3
    Eu am pictat asta vara casa si pentru ca mi-a ramas vopsea ( deci vopsea lavabila, nu de haine) am zis sa imi pun manutele la treaba si i-am facut:D I-am si spalat de cateva ori si au ramas inimioarele deci, sunt mandra, hahaha:)))


  • Reply Julie Pink July 30, 2014 at 6:15 PM

    Muuuultumesc, draga Mamalina! <3 Te pupicesc!

  • Reply Julie Pink July 30, 2014 at 6:16 PM

    Multumesc frumos! Si mie imi place foarte mult gentuta!

  • Reply Julie Pink July 30, 2014 at 6:16 PM

    Hihi, ma gandeam ca o sa iti placa, inimioara mica!
    Te pupiiiiicesc :*

  • Reply Julie Pink July 30, 2014 at 6:16 PM


  • Reply Julie Pink July 30, 2014 at 6:17 PM

    Multumesc frumos, Diana!
    Nu-i asa ca-i foarte dragut pandantivul? Era un breloc dar ador sa le transform in pandantive, mereu sunt in cautare de brelocuri dragute :))


  • Reply Julie Pink July 30, 2014 at 6:17 PM

    Multumesc mult de tot si la fel!! Te pupicesc! :*

  • Reply Diana Catanoaia July 31, 2014 at 4:03 AM

    Da, e foarte frumos pandativul… pur si simplu l-ai pus pe un lant? 😀
    Great effect!

  • Reply Julie Pink August 4, 2014 at 9:58 AM

    Da, i-am dat cercul ala pe care il au toate brelocurile jos si l-am pus pe lantisor. Fac asta la foarte mult,nu stiu daca ai vazut si turnul eiffel si telefonul din londra:D

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