fashion, outfits

Comfy outfit

January 14, 2016

Hello and welcome to 2016’s first outfit post! I missed shooting so much but lately, my beloved photographer hasn’t been available so I had to be patient and wait. The weather has been surprisingly lovely so yesterday I was able to wear “late-autumn” clothes and sunglasses!

My outfit is very simple and extremely comfy! I wore a striped t-shirt that I seem to be obsessed about, it’s really soft and has a nice quality and I paired them with a new pair of dark blue, high-waist jeans. My favorite part of the outfit is the fluffy  cardigan that even if it’s not the greatest fabric-wise, it’s so soft and it looks lovely. I wore another jacket too just to be sure that I won’t die of cold but I end up not shooting with it because it was too warm outside.

To give the outfit a pop of color, I wore two brown scarves because I loved how they looked together, being the same fabric and the same length. They are both from H&M but I’ve left you a similar option down below. I thought it was about time I wore my suede boots again, I don’t know why, but, as crazy I was about them when I bought them, I only managed to wear them twice until now. I always end up wearing the same pair of boots over and over again and I forget about my other ones. Same thing happens with my flat sandals. I guess we all have shoes we feel so good in, we don’t need anything else.

My Daniel Wellington watch seemed perfect for this brown-ish outfit and I think it offered the look that classy touch it needed. You can use the code “pinkwish” for 15% off your order. It’s only valid until tomorrow so hurry up!

To top it all off, I wore these amazing cat-eye sunglasses that I like so much! Can’t wait for summer to come and get to wear sunglasses everyday! ( Dreaming, I know!)

white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (1) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (2)daniel-wellington-dapper-st-mawes-watch (1) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (3) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (4) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (5)zerouv-cat-eye-sunglasses-daniel-wellington-watch (1) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (7) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (8) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (9) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (10) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (11) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (6) white-fluffy-cardgan-ripped-skinny-jeans-suede-boots-camel-scarf-fluffy-keyrng-cat-eye-sunglasses (13)zerouv-cat-eye-sunglasses-daniel-wellington-watch (2)daniel-wellington-dapper-st-mawes-watch (2)


Coat / Cardigan

Jeans / Blugi



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  • Reply Catalina M. January 14, 2016 at 12:27 PM

    Oau, nu ma asteptam ca paltonasul/blanita sa fie atat de calitativa, dat fiind faptul ca este de pe LovelyWholeSale. Eu de obicei imi comandam doar bijuterii si rareori haine,tocmai din cauza “calitatii” de care m-am lovit de cateva ori. Data viitoare voi fi mai atenta,sa nu ratez minunatii ca aceasta 😀

    • Reply Pink Wish Blog January 14, 2016 at 7:58 PM

      Pai chiar am zis ca nu are cea mai buna calitate, e destul de subtirel dar partea buna e ca e foarte pufos. Blugii, n schimb, sunt super, au o calitate mult mai buna decat ce am vazut prin magazine in ultima vreme.

      Chiar sa te uiti, eu am mai gasit chestii dragute.

  • Reply Simona Huidiu January 14, 2016 at 12:41 PM

    love the look! You look so beautiful <3

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