Lemon printed midi dress / Rochie cu imprimeu lamai :: Zaful | Golden heels / Pantofi aurii :: Zara | Golden earrings / Cercei aurii :: Zaful
Hello, my lovelies!
Welcome back to another dressy outfit post! If you’ve been following my blog from the beginning, you’ll know that feminine is the word that best describes my style and, lately, I am all for romantic and feminine outfits, especially dresses!
The one I am wearing in this post has become one of my favorites from the moment I saw it! Midi with a gorgeous print that has some of my favorite things ever: lemons and sunflowers. Something you may not know about me is that I love lemons. I don’t eat them per say (well, only with sugar, actually) but I love everything that has lemon in it, yum, yum, yum! And what can I say about sunflowers? They are perfect, so simple and yet so beautiful! When I was little, I used to ride the bike with my cousin and we would go where the sunflowers fields were, we would call that “the tour of France”, oh, I have so many happy memories from my time spent at the countryside during Summer vacations!
This lemon printed midi dress reminds me of Italy, the beautiful, amazing and favorite country I’ve visited so far! There are lemon everywhere you go and when I saw this dress, my mind went directly there!
This dress is a beauty by itself so I didn’t want to adorn it more. I wore a pair of classic, golden stilettos and a pair of golden earrings. I told you that this Summer I am all for big, statement earrings and these ones are just amazing!
I hope you’ll like the post and feel inspired!
Kisses and hugs!
Lemon printed midi dress / Rochie cu imprimeu lamai :: Zaful | Golden heels / Pantofi aurii :: Zara | Golden earrings / Cercei aurii :: Zaful
E foarte frumoasa rochia, se numara printre preferatele mele 🙂
Daa, si ale mele! <3
Cum sunt măsurile pe site-urile ASOS și ZAFUL?Se potrivesc cu cele pe care le porți in mod normal.
Super frumoasa ținuta,ca toate post urile tale de altfel.Pupici
Hei! La ambele site-uri trebuie sa fii atenta si la masurile pe care ti le dau ei si la modelul imbracamintei: daca este o haina mai pe corp sau over sized. Pe Asos trebuie sa te uiti cu atentie la conversia masurilor EU si Uk sau cel mai bine setezi sa vezi direct masurile EU ca sa nu ai probleme. Pe site-urile de genul Zaful care sunt din Asia, eu tind sa iau cu o marime mai mare si sa ma uit foarte atent la dimensiunile pe care le dau ei pentru ca, de exemplu, nu orice rochie marimea S are aceleasi masuratori.