Pink turtleneck :: Villa via Kurtmann | Skirt :: similar 1 . similar 2 | Boots :: similar | Hat :: similar | Bag :: similar
Hello and welcome to the blog!
Today I’m bringing you some pink inspiration. I haven’t worn pink on the blog for a while and I thought it was time to do it! Last week, while browsing for pink sweaters, I found this pink turtleneck that won my heart! I fell in love with it the minute I received it, it’s so soft and fluffy and has such a lovely dusty pink color!
At first, I wanted to pair it with a pair of black pants and keep everything simple but I just needed something to cheer me up and make my day better so I went all in and paired it with a mini pink skirt that, by the way, is one of my favorite skirts ever!
Went for some black over the knee boots that I like so much! I know so many of you want a pair so don’t forget to check all the options I listed in the description box and at the end of the post (hope you’ll find the one!)
I also wore my favorite hat and the cute Chloe inspired bag that I felt like it was the perfect choice!
Hope you’ll like it and it will inspire you to wear some color on this moody weather!
Kisses! Have a lovely week-end!
Foarter draguta tinuta! Ador tinutele de toamna colorate! <3 Daca mai sunt si roz…! <3 🙂
Si pozele au iesit super frumoase, imi plac mult!
Pupicei! :*
Multumesc mult de tot! <3
So so so pretty!!
Thankieees! :*
Superba tinuta. I’m not surprised :)! Poti sa porti rozul ca nimeni altcineva, parca e facut pentru tine! Palaria si cizmele sunt perfecte pentru acest look! Imi place la nebunie!!!
Haha, asa zic si eu desi in ultima vreme am preferat culorile mai inchise, cred ca din cauza vremii 😀
Te pupacesc! <3
Imi place tot outfitul, dar fusta….fustaaaaaaaaaaa este adorabila! Ma gandesc sa cumpar material si sa imi fac ceva oarecum similar.
Si mie imi place enorm! Chiar nu stiu ce material este, un fel de stofa cred 😀
Desi port roz…mai niciodata :)) la tine cumva imi place, contrastul dintre cizmele negre si tinuta chiar atrage privirea!
Multumesc! 😀
Cat de frumoasa e fusta roz, I’m in love!
Daaa, e super draguta <3
Doamne cat esti superba fatoooo !!!
Tinuta , decorul .. imi place absolut tot <3
Kisses , Oanna
Multumesc mult de tot! <3