Lefties blouse | | | Thrifted blazer | Primark bag | Daniel Wellington watch | Pandora bangle | DIY choker
Today has got me in such a good mood because the sun is shining, the sky is clear and I can finally see some bits of my favorite season! I literally can’t wait for March to come, it’s my absolute favorite month and I am so eager to enjoy all of its perks, starting with some snowdrops and my second favorite flowers: hyacinths. I haven’t bought any of them yet because I want them to symbolize Spring. I am a bit weird, I know.
Yesterday I finally got the chance to shoot some outfits. Yes, I shot more than one because the weather was so nice and we finally got the chance to go out. The main reason why I was so absent during these couple of weeks was because our little baby was sick and we went through some terrible moments. I haven’t been in the mood to go out and shoot outfits nor did I wanted to leave her alone. The good news is that she’s fine now and I can finally sleep well without worrying.
So, the first outfit I shot is my favorite one and, obviously, I wore a mini skirt again. I can’t explain why I love them so much but I do and this one is a new entry in my wardrobe. I like its color, its print and everything about it. I wore it with my favorite otk boots, a basic black blouse and my thrifted blazer that you can also see here along with the same boots.
The thing I loved most about this outfit was the 90’s inspired choker. I never thought I’d wear such an accessory but I received a velvet one at Christmas and since then, I’ve become quite obsessed with them. I saw a double wrap at some bloggers and I thought I’ll DIY one for myself. I am so happy with it and can’t wait to wear it again. I am a ’90s child after all! <3
Tinuta e super! Imi plac mult cizmele si sacoul! <3
Te pup
Less is more
Multumesc frumos!
Te pup si eu! <3
Tinuta e super! Imi place la nebunie fusta si chiar ti se potriveste.
Te pup
Lovely post! Wishing you a lovely day.
E superba fusta! Tipul asta de fusta ti se potriveste manusa! Iar culoarea e deosebita si foarte frumoasa!
Te puuup cu drag!
Multumesc! Si mie imi place foarte mult!
Te pup si te imbratisez! <3
Esti ca scoasa din cutie! Totul ti se potriveste manusa! Imi plac si buclele … Esti tare dragalasa!
Multumesc frumos!
Pupicei! <3
Ce frumoasa e tinuta!! <3
Fusta e superba, sacoul si toata combinatia cu rujul!! Geniala! :*
[…] mele anterioare : fusta mini din piele intoarsa, fusta mini din denim, fusta mini roz cu nasturi, fusta mini cu fermoar. Mi se par foarte usor de purtat si combinatiile sunt infinite. Mie imi place sa le port cu piese […]
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