fashion, outfits


October 31, 2014
Isn’t it true that you missed seeing a colorful outfit? Well, I did! Even though the weather hasn’t been too nice, I decided to create a colorful and spring-ish outfit and what better colors than pink and mint could I have chosen, right?
These colors look amazing together and the shoes are the best proof of it! The Zara necklace also has these colors and you have to admit that it’s one of the most gorgeous necklaces ever!
Do you remember one of my oldest dreams, the one about owning a pink hat? Well, it came true and I have my own precious and gorgeous pink hat! <3
Can’t wait to show it to you in a lot of outfits because, I assure you, it looks great with a lot of different colors! Hope you’ll like this outfit and it will inspire you!
Have a wonderful week-end!
V-a fost dor de o postare colorata? Mie da! Desi vremea nu a fost prea draguta cu noi, eu am vrut neaparat sa port ceva colorat si vesel, ceva care sa ma duca cu gandul la primavara. Si ce culori as fi putut sa aleg? Roz si verde menta! Culorile astea arata adorabil impreuna si pantofii au fost cei care m-au facut sa observ pentru ca sunt roz (fuchsia) si au talpa verde-menta, oh, cat ii ador! Colierul este o alta minunatie care are pietricele in ambele culori asa ca trebuia si el inclus!
Va mai amintiti o mare dorinta de-a mea? Aceea de a avea o palarie roz? Iata ca am gasit in sfarsit una si sunt super incantata de ea! De abia astept sa v-o arat si in alte combinatii pentru ca, va asigur, arata minunat si impreuna cu alte culori!
Sper sa va placa si sa va inspire aceasta tinuta! Va doresc un week-end superb! 



Blouse/Bluza :: Lefties | Jacket/Geaca :: Zara | Shoes/Pantofi :: Bershka | Clutch/Plic :: Meli Melo | Hat/Palarie :: ebay | Necklace/Colier :: Zara via (more here/mai multe aici)



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