Wearing: Shirt/Camasa: H&M | Skirt/Fusta: Front Row Shop (here/aici) | Jacket/Geaca: Pull and Bear |Bracelet/Bratara: Front Row Shop (here/aici) | Ring/Inel: Moa | Shoes/Pantofi: Bershka |
You already know I love pink, I think it becomes obvious just by reading the blog’s name. So, I love wearing it, I like pairing it with a lot of other colors and I adore incorporate it in any kind of outfit: business, casual, girly, etc.
As many of you probably know, yesterday I participated at an event called Fashion for Business, I already presented it here. It was really interesting but what I loved most of it was the fact that I met again with my bloggers friends.
I was able to choose between two workshops: one about fashion and one about make-up. I chose the make-up one because the conference was about fashion and I thought I could use a hour of make-up time.
I had a lot of fun with my sweeties Dorina and Cris, I did their make-up <3 and I hope they liked it.
Because the name of the event was Fashion for Business, I chose a midi length skirt, a shirt and a pair of stilettos. Of course I added some pink touches because fashion is wearing what you really love and transforming every outfit into your own signature. I can really say that all my outfits are me and I love each and every single one of them <3
I received this skirt from Front Row Shop and I just love it! The fabric is the same as this one here, soft and very smooth and the quality is a great one.
What do you think about the bracelet? I know you can either love it or hate it and I love it, I wanted something like this for such a long time and while I was searching for a necklace, I came across this bracelet and I couldn’t say no to it.

Love this mix of stripes and pink!
Thank you so much!
You look so, so beautiful <3 A pencil-skirt, a delicate shirt and a pair of heels can really work for an entire spectrum of occasions, but I adore how you made this look your own with the pink touches. The skirt and the bracelet look amazing ^_^
Have a great weekend sweety,
Thank you, sweetie!! :*
Superba tinuta, as imbraca’o in fiecare zi la munca.
Foarte interesanta si bratara. poopicei >:D<
Hehe, inlocuind camasa cu una albastra, presupun:D
E superba tinuta, mai ales camasuta roz <3 (superba tinuta, nu si chestia de la mana, sa ne intelegem :)))))
Multumesc mult, Cris! ( stiu, stiu :D)
vaaaai ador tinuta! it’s so you! ador pantofii, fustita, tooot 🙂 kisses
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!
Ma bucur! :*:*
Love the shoes. Kisses
Arata chiar bine bratara, cu toate ca eu nu as purta-o. xo
Minunata fustita, iar asocierea cu camasa roz e super potrivita! Foarte bine alese si accesoriile! Totul e perfect! :*
Si mie imi place mult fusta si cum arata cu roz! <3 Pupicei!
Ai arătat minunat, ca întotdeauna de altfel! Îmi place foarte mult brățara!
Multumesc mult de tot!
Baby, this look is perfection! <3
Love it, love it, love it! 🙂
really lovely blog ! very interesting :3 would you like to follow each other ? i yes just follow me and let me know i ll do the same as soon as possible :3
Chiar azi m-am uitat pe site la fusta asta ;)). Mi-e asa de teama sa imi comand fuste, stau ore in sir si le analizez. Sunt lata in solduri si sunt multe sanse sa gresesc marimea. Cam asta e cu shoppinguiala online :/.